You are welcome to adopt the globes on the following 12 pages of my personal creations for your own home page (except for the ones with specific writing on them intended for others) as long as you provide a link back here. Use the adoption certificate below for that purpose. You may also link to this site with the Global Expectations banner.
Some of the personalized globes I have made are for various online communities (LOTH, CL, SGM, etc.). If you are a member as well please feel free to take the corresponding globe for your web page. Please link back to Global Expectations.
Eventually, I will have a separate site for Global Expectations to showcase my work and house a gallery for finished projects. Part of this plan is making custom globes for people who request them. The pick up station will be on this new site.
From time to time I will post my latest globe to the site and you can see it here.
I am now taking requests for custom globes. I require a link back with the Global Expectations banner. Thus they are linkware. There is no fee for this work. If you want a globe made, email me with the particulars: colors, theme, writing you want on it, likes, dislikes, etc. In other words, give me an idea of what you need so I can create something that works for you. Give me a little time to complete a project, at the most, two weeks, usually a few days.