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교재: TOEIC Preparation Course(2개월 완성)






Day 1

진단 테스트

진단 테스트

진단 테스트

Day 2


270 -

240 -

Day 3


    - 277           

    - 244

Day 4


278 - 281(프린트)

245 - 248

Day 5


282 - 288(프린트)

249 - 252

Day 6


289 - 296(프린트)

253 - 256

Day 7


297 - 301(프린트)

257 - 260

Day 8


302 - 305(프린트)

261 - 263

Day 9


306 - 312(프린트)

264 - 266

Day 10


313 - 316

267 - 269

Day 11


진단 테스트

진단 테스트

Day 12


Test 1

Test 1 (구문)

Day 13


Test 1

Test 1 (독해)

Day 14


Test 2

Test 2 (구문)

Day 15


Test 2

Test 2 (독해)

Day 16


Test 3

Test 3 (구문)

Day 17


Test 3

Test 3 (독해)

Day 18


Test 4

Test 4 (구문)

Day 19


Test 4

Test 4 (독해)

Day 20




Day 1:진단 테스트 



Part VI: has, This, to relax, my, at, hard, usually, on, job, fast, to fax, on, an, other, to him, her, be, freshness, expensive, demonstated 

Day 2, Day 3: 형용사, 부사, 관사, 한정사

형용사의 용법: 명사 수식 -> He is a great quarterback.

                              보어 -> The flowers smell good.

§ be, become 유형

The students remained quiet throughout the class. This pizza smells wonderful.

                become detached, grow happy/unpleasant, turn pale, prove true, come true,             remain silent/seated, stand bowing, shine bright, waken thirsty

            look healthy/delicious, feel smooth, smell sweet, taste spicy/of salt,

            sound good/reasonable

            seem to be an easy job/incredible, appear to be honest 

부사의 용법:  동사 수식 -> He is quietly sitting at his desk.

                 형용사 수식 -> Monet's paintings are incredibly colorful.

                 부사 수식 -> Mary is much too meticulous when she cleans her home.

Very, So, Too

He is so fat that he can't walk up the stairs.

I ate too much and now I feel sick. The door is too heavy to open. 부정적 결과

This door is very heavy, but we must open it. 긍정적 결과

빈도 부사의 위치: She hardly works. She works hard. 

명사와 관사

three families 3 세대: All my family _____ healthy. My family ____ big.

                                                My class ____ all diligent. My class ____ fifty members.

fish 물고기, a fish 물고기 한 마리, five fish 물고기 다섯 마리,

three fishes 3종류의 물고기


Indefinite Nouns

Definite Nouns

Countable Singular Nouns

a boy

an orange

the boy

the orange

Countable Plural Nouns

___ boys

___ oranges

the boys

the oranges

Uncountable Nouns

___ sugar

the sugar

two ___ of toothpaste, three ___ of bread, ten ___ of sugar 설탕 열 덩어리,

a ___ of advice, two ___ of information, a stroke of fortune, an act of kindness

a good coffee                        an iron                    a beauty                many youths  

A Mr. Kim 김선생이라는 분            a Webster 웹스터 사전      two Rodins 로댕의 두 작품

three Lees

비교 (2개의 대상), 최상급 (3개 이상의 대상)

He is as tall as his father. That building is as tall as this one.

He is more intelligent than she is. I am less attractive than he is.

He is the most intelligent man in the class. I am the least attractive man. 

부사의 비교

He runs more quickly than I do. On our team, it is Tom who runs the most quickly.

cf) He runs faster than I do. He plays better than I do. He works harder than I.

§ the ~er, the ~er

   The sooner, the better. My house is the larger of the two. I like him all the         better for his faults. He worked all the harder despite his failure.  

복합 형용사

child-bearing 아기를 밴, a five-year old daughter, two five-year olds,  a fifteen-minute walk, a two-car garage, a six-man expedition, a ten-dollar bill, fair-haired 금발 머리의, a steel-making company 철강 생산국, hard-working 

문제 풀이

1. The four of them have been working extremely good together lately.

2. When I met, he certainly didn't seem like a humbly person.

3. Jane mentioned that her mother was over ninety-year-olds

4. He did all he could, but he was destined to be the most absolute failure.

5. He is almost as tall the other students in the class.

문제 해석

1. 계약을 맺는다는 것은 계약 조건 및 계약의 법적 재정적 결과를 다 수용하겠다는 의미다.

ramification 추이, 결과(results), terms 조건, financial 재정의

3. 핵에너지에 상당히 많은 돈이 소요됐지만 전문가들은 이것이 여전히 안전한 대체안인지 결정을 내리지 못하고 있다. alternative 대체안

5. 이들 회사의 반응을 오래 기다려야만 할수록 당신을 고용하는 회사의 관심이 더 없을 것 같다.

7. 현재 이 학교에서 공부하는 학생 중  당신이 최우수 학생이다.

9. 정부 기록에 의하면 당신은 지난 3년 동안 세금을 내지 않았다.

11. 당신이 이 시점에서 휴가를 얻는 것은 좋은 생각이 아닐 것이다.

13. 폭발 위협 때문에 소방수들은 건물에서 철수 할 수밖에 없었다.

15. 우리 부서에 탄원을 제출할 때는 문제에 대한 상세한 설명을 꼭 첨부하시오.

17. 외국 학생들에게 전 분야의 학문적 성공은 일반적인 영어 구사 능력과 직접 관련되어 있다.

19. 몇 개의 소 기업체들이 한 개의 거대 사업으로 뭉치는 일이 공공 분야로부터 신랄한 비난을 가져올 것 같다.

21. 일부 부품이 결점이 있긴 하지만 대부분은 그런 대로 잘 돌아가는 것처럼 보인다.

23. 그 보고서를 믿고 싶지만 전체 구좌가 단지 소문에 불과하다는 결론에 이르렀다.

25. 출발 전에 짬이 않나 그는 정말로 서둘러야 했다.

27. 해외에 나가면 얻게되는 큰 영향 중 하나는 서로 다른 방언의 음을 구분할 수 있는 능력이 늘어난다는 점이다.

29. 자발적으로 참여하든 그렇지 않든, 귀하의 노력에 대한 대가를 보상받게 될 것이다.

If he doesn't find the key, he won't be able to get into the department.  

If I had enough money, I would buy a car. Where would you go if you could take a month off? What would he do if they fired him?

If I were you, I wouldn't treat me the way you do.

If he had had enough time, he would have finished the test.

What would you have done if you hadn't joined the army?

If he had been here, he would have shown us what to do.

Day 4: 가정법 

문제 풀이

1. They would have made their flight if the boss have given them a day-off.

2. If you want to replace any of your current employees, we please to make recommendation.

3. If it had snowed by Friday, we'll definitely have to go skiing.

4. If Barry stopped smoking when he was young, he would be much healthier now.

5. We will have learned the program if the software company had installed it.

문제 해석

1. 정각 12시에 새해를 기념하기 위해 수천명의 사람들이 시 광장에 운집할 예정이다.

3. 비록 그가 얼마동안 경쟁에서 떨어져 있었지만 전 챔피언이었던 그는 아직도 세계가 배출한 가장 훌륭한 선수로 여겨지고 있다.

5. 반복해서 계산을 두들겨 봤지만 여전히 수치와 최종 합계가 일치하지 않는 것 같다.

7. 미 세균들이 이들 특정 장기의 아래쪽 창자에서 기생하는 것으로 알려져 있다.

9. 이런 형태의 마침표를 가장 흔히 사용하는 곳은 문장이 끝남을 알릴때이다.

11. 우주 프로그램이 이룩한 최근의 업적은 많은 전문가들이 보기에 전례가 없는 것이다.

13. 뉴튼이 사과나무아래서 졸다 중력의 법칙을 발견했다는 사실은 흔히 잘못알고 있는 일이다.

15. 국제 금융이 처한 주 문제는 일부 화폐들이 국제 사회에서 인정이 않되고 있다는 점이다.

17. 범죄 현장에서 수없이 많은 사진을 찍었지만 범죄 전문가들은 여전히 살인자의 신분에 관해 어떤 결정적 단서도 확보하지 못하고 있다.  

Day 5: 접속사

ELS offers TOEIC, TOEFL, Conversation, ___ GRE classes.

That instructor teaches not TOEFL but TOEIC.

The infantryman fought not with pride for his country but out of anger.

You had better come home by midnight, or Mom will be angry.

We will not eat peas, nor(= ___ neither) will we eat carrots.

by and until, since,

as -> Dubious as it seemed, I continued to invest my money in derivatives.

Mark did not have any money, so I lent him some.

Now that I have finished cleaning my room, may I go outside and play?

I will not go to the party unless you go.

As long as it does not rain this weekend, we will have the picnic.

상관 접속사

I made the suggestion to both cook and the restaurant manager.

He is not a man but a mouse.                 Either my sister or my mother cooks dinner.

Neither he nor I will be available to speak to reports.

She is so hysterical that she is both laughing and crying at the same time.

He lifts weights not only in the morning but also at night.

They ate as much as they could.

The car that we bought was not as expensive as we had anticipated.

David would rather have me do it than you.

I never thought I would get such a position as they offered me.

Your pants are the same color as my shirt.

The more you practice the piano, the better you will play.

She has to babysit her little sister tonight whether she wants to or not.

문제 풀이

1. It was not on purpose by accident that I broke her CD player.

2. ___ telling me how to get there, can you show me?

3. This meeting will come to a close ___ there are further questions or comments.

4. The agency selected two test markets, had difficulty selecting a third.

5. He is ___ a good baseball player, but a good athlete in general.

6. Although my favorite sports are running, hiking and to waim, I have been bowling, bike riding, and playing golf a lot lately.

7. A two-million-dollar prize will go to the winner, or will be shared because of a tie.

8. While the boss is generally relaxed in his attitudes, neither tardiness or stealing is permitted.

9. He can come with us because he gets permission from his parents, and as long as he carries his own gear.

10. The closer the hurricane comes to the island, it is more likely the residents will be to seek shelter on the mainland.

문제 해석

1. 가능하다면 파티에 참석하겠다.

2. 내일 비가 온다면 바비큐 파티를 연기해야만 할 것이다.

3. 작업을 좀 끝내야 했기 때문에 어제 미팅에 참가 할수 없었다.


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Last modified: December 28, 1999