Picture this... you live in a small town, rather cut off from other towns. winter's coming, and it is suposed to be harsh this year, a few weeks before a blizzard is set to kick off the winter, five strange looking people move in... Their skin is extremly black, yet their hair is as white as the snow, and they move into an old house without any of the normal things... not even glass in the windows. Your town decides to help them out by fixing up the house, and heating it. After the blizzard, the poeple within the house are still fine thanks to your towns generosity, yet, as winter goes on, they come out and move into the next house, forcing the owners out onto the street, when they try to come back in, the strangers shoot them. The town police try to storm the house, but are no match for their fire power, and soon all resistance is dead. The strangers force the small town into 8 houses, making it 10 or more to a house, and promise not to enter the houses they gave the town, but whenever anyone leaves the house for supplies, they are followed, mocked, attacked, or killed... Granted, this is a very outlandish story, but it, in a way, is what white man did to Native Americans, but we've promised peace and equality to them...
when is it going to start?

This pages goal is to educate white man, and stop the crimes against the people who's land we stole, the same people who helped us survive through the first American winter's, the ones who almost all American's owe their life and land to... I am Timothy Pierpont, and take full responsibility for everything on this site (I do not, however, take full credit, there are two people giving me information, and a helping hand, but I'm not sure if they want to be mentioned), if any one disagree's with it, blame me for putting it there. I plan to have up to date information on as many resorvations as I can, starting with pine ridge... At the very least, I'm hoping people will become more aware of this, and help stop this. Now, white man will never make up for 100's of years of hell, but this is a good start.

Pine Ridge
Fallen Warriors 1973-1976
Press Report Help wanted for rally, click here, read
Petition Of Treaties (you must look here, this is a major part of this site's goal)