I started this study on July 17, 1999 shortly after i read Diana Wagman's Skin Deep, a novel examining a relationship between a woman obsessed with her looks and beauty and her boss.

Click here to read an email sent to me by the author of Skin Deep Diana Wagman!!!!

I wondered how my friends and other people felt about beauty.  What is beauty to them may not be what beauty is for me

Mirriam Webster's Collegiate Diction
ary, tenth ed. defines BEAUTY as:

1 : the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses           or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit : LOVELINESS.

     2 : a beautiful person or thin
g; esp : a beautiful woman

     3 : a particularly graceful, ornamental, or excellent quality

     4 : a brilliant, extreme, or egregious example or instance *that mistake was a beauty*

     5 : a quantum characteristic that accounts for the existyence of lifetime of the upsilon                      particl
e; also : a particle having this characteristic (101)

From the first definition we realize that no one person has the same concept of beauty. What is eye catching to me, could be hideous to you, and vice versa.

Therefore, I turn to the fall safe, my friends, to find an answer to my query. What is better than one single opinion than many different opinions? So here we
What is your concept of BEAUTY?

if you already know your answer,
e-mail me now to boggle my mind.


Well I think a quote from my daily calender of quotes from the other day sums up my view quite well...."May God give you eyes to see beauty only the heart can understand"    True beauty is within the heart . . . it is not always outward appearences. "Be beautiful inside, in your hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirt which is so precious to God." See that is what I think true beauty is.  Being beautiful inside . . . in your hearts.  It is far greater than any physical beauty ever can be . . . 
-Kristin (JStones372)

Beauty has a physical aspect, but that can be ruined by a personality or by someone's actions.  I can see a supermodel in a magazine, but my girl would seem much prettier cause I know and love her . . .
-Mike (iconoclast)

When something is as complex as it is simple, when you can take it in as a whole and then be able to see ALL the small deatails, when it can be compareed to nothing but reminds you of everything, when the smallest part explores the most expansive details, then it is truely beautiful.
-Adam (Curium)

Beauty is in the eye of the heholder.  Looks are only skin deep.  If I had the chance to be with someone model like, but her attitude stunk, or someone who was cute, whose attutude was great, I'd pick the one without the attutude problem
-Erich (doc96who)

I guess it is true what they say.  It is in the eye of the beholder.  I take it to mean tht it depends on who is doing the looking.  Some people are more beautiful to some than others.   Being a nice person and having good qualities can be beautiful.  That doesn't necessarily mean that they have to be picture beautiful on the outside.  There is beauty all over the place.  Only sometimes we have to take a closer look.
-Anne (SolAsassin)

It is cool.  Outside beauty is cool but only last for awhile.  Inner beauty is awesome.

When I think of beauty I don't think of the looks I like inner beauty.  The way a woman makes you feel when you talk to her and understand you . .
-Rene (CalguyfrmGf)

Many people obsessed with exercise and their bodies and looks have a screwed up sense of beauty.  You may think you are beautiful because your picture is in a magazine, but most models are alcoholics or chain smokers.  I believe beauty comes from within.  A person who does good things selflessly is beautiful, even if they don't look like an adondis or aphrodite.
-Jessica (JFreak7315)

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Looks are usually importatnt to start with as thats what people look for first but its the inside of a person that is the most important to me.
-Duane (chocsoldier)

A loving caring person, with a great personality, and a great sense of humor.
-Dan (rileyd)

That you show to other a image of sometime different that calls your atention and apeals to your feelings.
-Marta (Gatis)

Intelligence; spunky; same wavelength as mine.  Well I think that there are two responses for that question, beauty on the inside, and beauty on the outside
-Richard (brad29tcb)

Beauty is that little ounce of pride that sits inside your chest and gets the better of your actions when you are out in front of a crowd.  You show off or dance or sing or whatever, that is beauty.  To live out loud and continue to live out loud even as the world gets quiet.  It gets quiet to watch or listen to your beauty.  What? the world never gets quiet? You are right, but you are listening and that is beautiful.
-Valarie (countess)

Beauty is that you carry in you and expose through your emotions and feeeling . . . beauty is your heart and soul
-Kris (kcarty77)

Ok well beauty to me is someone who is physically appealing to start with, if were talking about women, then sexy, but also must have that fire inside her, the one that i can get lost in by looking in her eyes . . .
-Dan (cooldan)

To me, beauty is truth. And in truth, there can be no beauty except that which is a reflection of the ultimate word of truth, which is God ("In the beginning there was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God." - Holy Bible)  So beauty is a reflection of God, the ultimate truth, and therefore the more one reflects Him, the more beautiful one becomes.
-Katie (Katje101)

You're asking me what beauty is?  All right.  It is non-existent.  Beauty is like reality, its all an illusion.
-Jessica (Jesslyn101)

Something that is just out of reach but free to all. : )
-Michael (ME/EKO)

Well there are two kinds of beauty, inner and outter.  Outter is apealing.......but for it to really work the inner must be far more beautiful
-Jackson (VuDu Daddy)

My idea of beauty is. . . submersing ones self in 1000 pounds of jello electrified by 24000 volts of electricity. . . wait no that wouyld be pleasure.  Um, right now it would be the euphoria that fills ones inner being quite hard to wsay what it may be for it is different for everyone and changes over time . . . "Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise (alice in wonderland)."
-Mike (Macht)

My concept of beauty is a girl who can cook and doesnt know the word "No"
-Richie (Richie)

This is my concept of what makes someone beautiful. . .  I think it really does matter on what is on the inside.  If someone is good looking, but a real jerk, they appear less than attractive.  Unfourtunately most people rely on that first impression of their looks.  If the looks were made to be less important, maybe people would learn to pass judgement on people due to personalities.  I also think that the mass media has way too much to do with the concept of beauty.  If they would stop telling us what was beautiful, maybe men and women would learn to make their own opinions. 
-Melissa (akaissa)

Beauty?  I think that it is when something, anything, speaks to your soul that it tkaes you in completely for a moment in time.  It can be anything, but as long as you feel you can be one with it for some time, it is beautiful.
-Nora (MadamNora)

It is hard to talk about beauty, without using a lot of cliches.  A rose, a gem and the glint of light reflecting off polished metal are all things that could be defined as beautiful.  To examine bueaty in the light of humanity, are we looking at objects or the opposite sex? If we are looking at the opposite sex, I am reminded of a documentary I once saw on TLC.  The show stated that an isometric face seems to be the most pleasing.  It also said most people have an eye or something, that is highter or lower than the other.  As far as the human form is concerned, there seems to be a paradox between some cultures.  We in the West find the houglass form of the female to be the best, however in other cultures the hip area is larger than the waist and is found to be more desirable.  The larger hip waisted women were found more attractive because it was viewed that they could bare more children than their more supple counterparts.  In closing, $$$ can influence beauty as well.  Whether it is shopping for sports cars on a budget or trying to marry a good provider, sometimes we all have to make small sacrifices. 
-Tim (SolAsassin)

I guess beauty then is whatever any on individual percieves as beauty.  There is no set standard of beauty, or at least there shouldn't be.  It should be whatever the person wants.  I suppose the traditional good looks, good personality come into play for others, but real beauty comes from within. 
-Andy (CapnAndy17)

Well, I think that beauty only comes from the inside. . . people who think they are beautiful on the outside can kiss my butt. . . . cuz im an ugly bastard. . . people are only beautiful on the outside if their insides are beautiful.
-Pete (tmto18)

Well I suppose you could go back to that old saying that beauty is only skin deep... however I don't find that to be entirely true.  Those people who tell you that it doesn't matter what someone looks like are not at all being honest.  If you think about it, what initially attracts you to someone else?  If you see someone from across a room your first thought is not going to be about the personality!  However just being physically attractive does NOT make some beautiful but it is the first thing that attracts people to each other (Most of the time anyway).  There are of course exceptions to everything in life.  You could find out who you think is the most beautiful person in the world on the outside but as soon as you get to know then realize that they are far from beautiful and you could also meet someone that you may not necessarily find all that attractive but the more you get to know them you realize that they are far more beautiful then anyone else. So once again you can go back to another saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" it shouldn't matter what other people think, if you truly find someone who think is beautiful on the inside and on the outside than that is all that matters. 
-Marc (marc.renzetti)

Beauty has a physical and psychological part.  Physical beauty, in my opinion, is determined by proportionality of traits, color coordiantion of traits and shaps of traits such as nose shape, eye shape, etc.  The more proportional the traits are, the more beautiful the person tends to be. Also, the color combinations of traits, such as blue eyes with blonde hair, or green eyes with brunette hair, tend to factor in.  Psychological beauty is demonstrated with personality, confidence and style.  Someone with average physical beauty can come across as very attractive by their behavior.  It's really little things that can have a big impact in my mind.  Subtle glances or looks, frame of mind, attitude, all have a  part in making someone beautiful.  In my opinion, psychological beauty has a much longer lasting impact than does physical beauty, but takes longer to see.  Physical beauty draws you in quicker but can be less important in the long run. 
-Peter (Hookum)

Well beauty is not just looks but the persons personality and everything about them
-Randy (FireBurnt1)

Beauty?  Hard to define.  Corny as it sounds, I guess it really is in the eye of the beholder.  fitness is good, but I have known beautiful fat people, as well as beautiful people who were deathly ill. . . and I don't mean that they just had 'inner beauty' . . .  I mean they looked good! and 'inner beauty' isn't even the key thing either, because I have known people who were downright evil who looked good! *laughing* -
Carla (girlene422)

Beauty is nothing. Beauty is everything.  Beauty is what you know about yourself that others don't. -
Dmtry (lotziggyk)

Beauty is something, anything, that causes the heart to flutter, and the beholder to sigh.  It can be a sunset, a simple flower, a woman or man. anything that causes one to stop and stare in amazement and awe. -
Dustin (BastianBux)

Beauty comes to you then it fades, use it while you got it. -
Vincent (Goku San02)

I would answer your question in great thoughts as all the others have been, but if I did so, it would all be a lie towards me for I don't feel beauty whatsoever. -
Naomi (jgglypuff4)

Beauty is without form.  There is no consistent beauty, one person who is beatuiful could be different in a hundred thousand ways than another beautiful person.  Certain virtues seem to be ever present, such as empathy, intelligence, loving nature and a certain desire to be there for people. There are also superficial forms of beauty, which seem to be based entirely upon evolutionary nececities, such as wider hips and a body with more curves, in women, and broad shoulders with greater than average muscle mass, in men.  However, at this point in time, just about all superficial features can be changed through surgury or some other method of alteration.  But true beauty comes from a persons attitude and the way that they purvey their emotions through their actions and their words.  Beauty is deeper than skin, and is different throughout the world, but universally noticable.  -
Jesse (NatrixDog)

I think for something to be beautiful it must be properly nourished and taken care of, and when something isn't kept up with like a human body, a flower, or a building beauty diminishes and is eventually lost. To say what is naturally beautiful without any alterations or decline in care is pure speculation.  -
Andy (aodmomo)

When you feel warmth in your heart, you know you have found beauty. Beauty is something you feel more than see. If in your heart you feel something or someone is beautiful then they are.  -
Ron (Rone)

I think beauty is happiness. Happiness comes from deep inside, from your soul & seeing someone who is happy I automatically think they are so beautiful. I think it is because happiness is something extremely difficult to completely achieve, as is beauty. also, for most, happiness, at least not true happiness, does not come from money & large houses & tons of plastic surgery. Real happiness comes from accepting yourself, being content with the way you are, it also comes from being content with the world around you. Someone who is truly happy tries to do things for the better of themselves & for the rest of the world. Happiness is beauty because beauty is something wonderful & something that has to come deep inside. Many people have superficial beauty, they are pleasant enough to look at, but i dont think that type of beauty really matters. It is the beauty inside one's self that comes from being happy with yourself the way you are that counts & is truly beautiful.  -
Katie (freeway46)

It's cheesy to say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think it is though. There really can't be one feature defined as beautiful. One person may like people with blonde hair and find those certain people beautiful. Another person may find darker hair more beautiful. Beauty is a word. Most words can easily be broken apart and analyzed. "Beautiful" is easily broken apart and anyone can find a different meaning with that word.  -
Jacob (Drumguy81)

I have to agree with the first one... yet looks do have an affect... when you first see a person..if he/she looks great... you'd be more apt to go say "hi" than if  he/she was awful looking...so outside beauty may draw u in..but it's the way that person truely is that may keep u there once u get hooked  -b>Anonymous

Oh well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Being early for dinner is beautifu; having a lady waiting for me when I get home, any offers?  I don't need any one to wait on me, just to be togther is what i want . . . well you didn't say flowers.  I think that roses are beautiful, and of course my growing flowers (kids that is). Well, trees are beautiful to . . . its in the eyes: if you really want to see beauty look in the mirror past the skin and you shall see beauty in God's eyes.  -
Finis (finiswells)

Beauty is that combination of physical, emotional and intellectual traits anybody may have and, perhaps more importantly, how those traits are used in interaction with others. In my mind a beautiful person is one that uses the aforementioned traits in such a way that he/she makes one want to be with or around them simply because they are so "beautiful" and therefore enjoyable/fun to be with or around.  -
Jon (J072152)

I find beauty to be a nice thing at times, and others a distraction... -
Michael aka Takashi (ChiBTenchi)

I suppose I have a wider definition than most.  I find many different kinds of women beautiful........ all the races, skinny to plump to bbw;  it depends on the person.  Well I think america is obsessed with being thin and I don't really see it that way...hips are a good thing. Silicone is a mortal sin.  Americans wants big boobies and you gotta have wide hips--its just nature; one comes with the other.  My concept of beauty is making the best of what God or nature has given you.  Personally i am obsessed with wide hips and big bottoms--thats what I like. But they don't put women like that on magazine covers or in the movies.  No one wants to be treated like an object, I know..but I am a man; I can't help it.  I just think America is a little off center on the womens weight thing . . .actually I think its a white thing.  Black folks and latin folks have a much better image of chubby women. I am a white man by the way.  -
Owen (astronato)

Beauty is something that comes from the heart but it is affected by how you keep yourself up. ie: if you don't take care of your appearance and attitude then you will lose your beauty... beauty is something that no everyone has and it is something that can only be obtained from much hard work....  -
Becky (summergirl)

The way that I see beauty, is in God's love for His children. Always showing mercy to us when we don't deserve it. This is true beauty. I see beauty as something that at a glimpse just overwhelmes us. And thats exactly what I feel when i think of how much Jesus loves me! That is the greatest example of beauty that I could ever think of, is how beautiful God's love is. -
Todd (popcornmagic)

I think beauty is a feeling one gets when something or someone reaches inside them and touches thier soul.  -
Andre (shthfkup)

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. To say that I like one thing over another is like making someone choose between 100 people based solely on one aspect of there personality. Every one is beautiful in his or her own way. -
Andy (RedLion123)

I think beauty comes from within. -
Trevor (pod13ta)

I think beauty comes from your inner soul and also comes from your thoughts, your intergrity, your laughter, your heart, your mind, your eyes, your inner and outer skin features.  I think everyone is beautiful from the in and the out side.  You should not judge anybody till you see what they're all about.  They could be a model, dancer, musician, teacher, lawyer, doctor, therapist, dentist, or just a plain good hard worker that enjoys life to the fullest.  I believe God put everyone on this earth to accomplish their goals and be whoever they want to be.  So that's what I think beauty is all about.  You're beautiful with in or out and I think every guy and girl isn't better than the next girl or guy.  No matter what they look like, everyone is beautiful in their own way, whatever that feature might be. If you have a warm heart and you love yourself, then you can have anybody you want that may walk into your life before you see it or know it that person is right there in front of you wanting to grab your hand and say "I'd love to get to know you more". So that's my outlook on beauty everyone. -
Greg (VIPER27_99_1)

Beauty is a whole bunch of different things to different people, but I don't think it has a clear definition. Beauty is more like a feeling, inside. Some may feel that I'm mixing up "beauty" with "love," but I see a distinct difference. Beauty is walking through a crowded hall, holding hands with that special someone. Beauty is going along with each other, no matter what others think. Beauty is a feeling two people have between each other. That's my opinion, anyway. I may be totally nuts. I suppose there's a physical sense to "beauty" as well... Let's just go with "stuff that looks nice." How's that? -
Jason (TheBigPie1).

I do agree 100%, but I also think that beauty is knowing that no matter where you go you will be accepted for you, regardless of your skin color or race. Beauty is the need to understand and to comprehend the minds of others as well as your own. -

Beauty is that certain smile someone gives you when you look into their eyes. Beauty also is looking at someone when they look their worst and realizing that you want to be with them forever. And hearing the words "I Love You" when it is directed towards yourself. -
Ronald (Bellrage)

True beauty doesn't exist. Everyone has something ugly inside them that comes out, some more often then not. Like movies have stated quite often lately, we're justlike a virus, and what the heck is beautiful about a virus? -
Ken (KenShimazu)

I believe beauty is whatever makes you feel right.  You know, whatever makes you think "This world isn't so bad after all."  And of course that can be a person, but it could be many other things, like a poem, a good movie, playing your favorite game, or even something like that one perfect cup of hot chocolate.  Happiness and feeling whole.  That's beautiful. -
Graham (gq222)

Ok, maybe i'm not as profound as the rest of the people that have given answers, but I have always seen beauty as that one quality that determines whether or not I want to know someone, or to love someone, or to flat out adore them, and that is because beauty is a glow that comes from the very bottom of their essence and permeates through what they say and do, and i can always feel it from those people that have it. -
Jeremy (JoyBrings)

Beauty is the description of an object, person, occurance, or ideal that causes us to love or feel. -
Michael (badguyfor)

On my pages you will find a poem that I wrote that expresses what I feel about beauty--the title of it is
beauty. Hope this will answer your question---I am a grandma so I have had time to go through a lot of different fazes in life as well as a lot of other life experiences that you have in your future. -Melanie (hinm)

Blah blah blah, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Lemme first say this: our world is playing a trick on us. Would a sensible young man or woman go out with some wrinkly, dirty, old man or woman off the street? I just sued "dirty" and "wrinkly"...those are simple adjectives, they are discreet with definitions, THUS, there is no subjective notions to those words. They DO conjure up images of suffering. So let's get this straight, the lie is this: we are gonna judge them and say, they are ugly even though they are simple and may be nice, they are ugly. There you go . . . For me, here's what I have to say: beauty is seduction, when an image suddenly makes you drool, makes you desire . . . makes you feel pleasure whenever you see it. I mean, beauty could be looking at some newspaper's layout (and there is NOTHING wrong for doing so). Also, you must realize that beauty, just like emotions and about everything else in this world, is ineffable. What is pain? What is love? (baby don't hurt me . . .). What is happiness? It's what you GET out of it, that makes it so, right? So beauty is the pleasure you get out of seeing something, I KNOW, How elementary is THAT? Think about it...and as Rafiki said to simba, "Look harder . . .". -
Hung (KeWl JuNk)

It is not surprising that so many of the submissions are concerning the visual, or, the internal feelings of those who confuse happiness, or infatuation, or something else with the question of what defines beauty. It is a tough question. The visual aspect is the easiest to consider, and the hardest to define. Over time, in my life, I find my appreciation of form to be changing and changing again. To use the example of woman, it is not unlike the
Midsummer's Night's Dream dialogue concerning man's preoccupation with the various "parts" of the woman's body, and neglect of the entire being. I find it very easy to see others as attractive [beautiful] without feeling "attracted" to them. Is this a more objective form of appreciating beauty? I doubt it.  For me, it is hard to resist the sound of a cello, or a piece from Sibelius written for violin. How about the smell of baking bread on a cold morning, with a little hunger factored in? My daughter and her girlfriends, when their camaraderie is evident? The feeling I got, surfing in Cali, when I plunged down the face of a wave, in the early winter morning, on an ocean that was being ruffled by a storm off the coast of Mexico, many hundreds of miles away, I saw a passage in a comedy about an English cad in the military [Flashman at the Charge]in which the description of the sunlight reflecting off the sabres and buckles of the riding gear, at dawn, in the charge of the light brigade, was heart-poundingly beautiful, And what of Horses? Children at play? The presence of joy and sorrow juxtaposed, as in a contemplative man/woman, troubled by the current events of their lives, as the sun sinks behind them, with the promise of a dawn to come? A mathmatician's quest for and first realization of a resolution of a problem that has taxed the visualizing portion of the most technically-oriented part of the brain? Life, itself, is an incredibly beautiful sequence of terribly mixed emotions and events, that when focused upon, can seem anything but beautiful, yet is and always will be uniquely beautiful in a world brimming with inanimate beauty.  As I get older, I find it increasingly difficult to comprehend what is meant by the term ugly. And even the occasional monstrous acts against fellow men, are usually responded to by acts of perseverance, heroism, and calls for justice, etc., which are, themselves, further evidence of the beautiful, nearly-indestructible, purity of the human spirit. Yeah, its a tough term to quantify, but the presence of beauty is in, and around, us, constantly. And in a chaotic world, even the memory that beauty, and all things, be they visions, sounds, thoughts, ideas, or any of the combinations of senses, and sensibilities, is, in itself, amazingly beautiful, to me.  -Brian (kidgalahad9)

Beauty is something that is skin deep. Beauty is what you see. Now what you see may be influenced by that persons actions. If you had a friend who you thought the world of, he/she would be the most beautiful person in the world, because you know their kindness, and you realize their beauty within. I believe what men see in women they don't know isn't beauty. It is admiring her natural looks. I recently met a model who I thought was "beautiful", but then turned out to be a real pain; a real snobby woman. After that encounter, she is never as beautiful as I thought she was...  Beauty is what we think of a person. I know a girl.. whom I have known my whole life... and I have loved my whole life.. and she is not very attractive, so many men say.. but to me, she is an angel dropped from heaven to save my blackened soul. She is the one sent from god to kiss my pain away, and to have and to hold forever. That is when beauty counts... when it is inside the other persons soul. -
Mike (novokain)

Like so many others have said . . . "Beauty is only skin deep". If you have a nasty attitude, it won't matter what you look like; no one will want to be around you... But if you are totally awesome, it won't matter what you look like. People will know what a great person you are and respect you for that. It shouldn't matter what you look like to someone anyways. I know I couldn't date someone that I didn't think was a good person, even if they looked like Ryan Phileppe. You date the person; not the pretty face. I think more people need to realize that. Just remember, beauty comes from within... so if you are awful on the inside it will show. You have to be beautiful on the inside to truly be beautiful.  -
Amanda (Manada13)

I think if you really want to find the definition of beauty you may have to get a little philosophical, sort of like finding the definition of love. In  my personal thoughts, I just use beauty as a word to describe something at a high point in a personal taste, or to describe anything of aesthetic value. Everyones tastes are different, so I cant tell you what is beauty. Life would be my best answer. Anything that happens in your life that you love or think is amazing is out of taste. No one can judge your taste or your life and I can find beauty in that right there. I don't know, why did I answer this, I don't care . . . Thats beauty right there.  Damn you whoever you are, I could go on forever on what beauty is. -
Shane (Atonal Warrior)

After reading only the definition portion of your webpage i want to give you my view on what beauty is, but more importantly what beauty should be . . . I am a nineteen year old male college student. Practically everywhere I go, society portrays beauty as a skin deep aesthetic value.  I say value because looks define a person these days.  I am a Christian, and I mean it in the deepest sense of the word, but still I can't escape placing judgement on people I have never even exchanged a word with.. and all I have to judge is looks.  I think there is definately a standard placed by movies, television, ads, literature, and a thousand other elements that have leaked out into the general opinion of society. Living in that society it is nearly impossible to escape the standard viewpoint.  One is considered less for daring to be more.  As Christians we are called to live in the world but not of the world--something that has proved a hard struggle in my life.  The downfall of this whole wordly standard is simple if you ask me . . . marriages are based on it. Because of that, the word love is a loosely used term.  Because of the social standard that is ever present today, the divorce rate in the us is over 50%.  Call me a hopeless romantic, but I want to commit my life to someone because I can't live without her--because I know her  inside as well as out and am not only willing, but eager to work through hardships and love her in the most basic and yet intricate sense. True love is a blessing that can come only from the Lord, not something that a tight body and nice tan can provide.  In conclusion, beauty is a word used to place value on an invaluable being. ~
Mike (mikeatchoppoint)

Beauty is something that every person that is inside with their creativity and love for life. -
Leah (gothic I17)

Beauty is not a superficial thing. It is something that you have inside yourself. When you feel confident and good about yourself, then it comes through to your outer appearance.  That is true beauty. Superficial beauty is almost like a cover up for the rottiness inside. When I see a confident, strong, level-headed, realistic person with a go-get-it personality I see beauty. -
Esperanza (esperbermudez)

Beauty is what people make it to be. Beauty to me is a great personality and an intellectual being. -
Mary (WySiWyG83)

Beauty, to me, is nobility.  It's love, and truth.  It's a feeling. -
Sherry (rhay3113)

You know what I think? Beauty is worthless; a western adaption to a class system. In a world where we're supposed to be equal,  we're still being judged on irrational aspects. The most "beautiful" people are stupid irrational people. All that we see when we hear people judging people on looks is exactly what we used to criticize the eastern world for, and then some. -
Jake (WestSideexc)

Definition of beauty: Proverbs 31:10-31  "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting: but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." -

To Marcellina

The woman was beautiful. She had curly hair the color of autumn, and duck eyes that always seemed to smile. She generated a warm feeling, a feeling of tranquility; around her you couldn't be sad. The woman was soft and luscious and ripe.

The girl was beatiful too, but in a different way. She had long dark hair and dark skin and dark eyes and a dark soul. You could only love her from afar because if you got too close she would destroy you.

The girl and the woman lived together and loved each other. They drew stregnth from each other; whatever one couldn't do the did perfectly. The woman, for example, could not bear to look at herself. She only saw ugliness in the mirror, so the girl would spend hours and hours looking at herself and thinking of how beautiful she was. And when they went out everyone would pay attention to the girl, simply because she demanded it. The woman would watch like a wallflower, and no one could tell what she was thinking.

Together they were perfect. Until one day the girl hurt the woman like she hurt everyone else. They could no longer be together and be happy, so each went their seperate way. The woman would go out alone and everyone would pay attention to her because the girl was gone. They would tell her how pretty she was and they would joke around and they would want to be her. The woman would not believe them. The woman could not believe them. Slowly, the woman died. Meanwhile, the girl was becoming more and more self-involved. Instead of hours she would spend days in front of the mirror. All she could think about was her beauty, and when it went away and when there was nothing but the girl left and no beauty and no talent the girl died too.

And the woman died.
And the girl died.

And the beautiful people were dead.

Because the beautiful people can't have it all. 
-greeenHOLE of the SONY bbs
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users visited BEAUTY since 19 July 1999