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*10th Native Speakers

11th Native Speakers

Useful Links

This is a page where we will collect links that you find useful.
Please feel free to suggest links you think should added.
(This site was prepared by Sharon Tzur)


Click on the type of site you are looking for.

Sites for Learning English

English Aids

News Sites

Sites for Songs

School Sites 

Sites for Learning English

If you don't have a language lab at your school, go to this site instead!
You will need headphones or speakers!
      English Learning Language Lab

This site has a lot of resources. Try clicking on the "Testing" to test yourself!
      Using English

This site has an index with links to many, many sites for learning English. Reading, Writing, Grammar..You name it! You'll find it here.

This site deals with grammar and writing, with lots of advice on how to write compostions.
      Guide to Grammar and Writing

This site allows you to test your own grammar.
      Grammar Quiz

Another site for learning English: You can also get a daily e-mail from them.

This is the home of the Ministry of English
      English Inspectorate

This is the home of Israel's on-line English teachers group:

English Aids

Go here for an on-line encyclopedia
      Funk and Wagnalls

Go here to use a dictionary or Thresaurus: You can also subscribe to an e-mail list that sends you a new word every day!

Go here to improve your word power. :
      Reader's Digest Word Power

Go here to create your own puzzles:

This site has fun activities. Teachers can also use it to make quizzes.

This site has brainteasers.

News Sites

This first site combines news with learning English. At this site, you can either read the text of the news story, listen to the text, or view a short video clip. Then, test yourself with an on-line quiz!
      CNN News Quiz

Other well known news sites:

      The Jerusalem Post


      Time Magazine

      BBC News Service

      The Jerusalem Report

Sites for Music and Lyrics

The following links are useful for finding songs and song lyrics.
"Lyrics" means "words of a song". Try this site to find them.

This is a friendly site for searching and asking questions. You can also ask Jeeves to find the words of a song.
      Ask Jeeves

Shlock Rock puts Jewish content words to popular tunes
This is their home page:
      Shlock Rock

Here is a site that helps teachers use music in their teaching
      Music in Teaching

This site has words for children's songs
      Kid's Music

This site contains links to other music sites
      Music Links

Here are the lyrics of some popular songs:
"Summer Nights" from the musical "Grease" is at:
      Summer Nights

Home Pages of Other Schools

      Reshet AMIT

      The English Village (Amal Net)

     Ort English

     Home Page Ohel Shem, Ramat Gan

      Ofek School's Home Site

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