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Take a seat yet, and have a browse before we part...

melvin yong - 05/23/00 00:53:42
My Email:melvin@phillip.com.sg
I am a dude/babe/secret: dude
and I am from: greece
I got to know about this site via: aphrodite
I am really into: passion
and I am most inspired when: dancing
My favourite quote, and the quotor of the quote, is: Cast your heart before you, then run to catch it

Call me. Would you??/

Vinceray - 01/04/00 15:59:22
My Email:vinceray@XOOMmail.com
I am a dude/babe/secret: dude
and I am from: Singapore

Juz testing out my page thanx! :)

The Big Fish - 01/04/00 12:11:04
My Email:zeegi@pacific.net.sg
I am a dude/babe/secret: fish
and I am from: the sea
I got to know about this site via: my fishy contacts
I am really into: swimming
and I am most inspired when: I am breathing
My favourite quote, and the quotor of the quote, is: Duh!

Good site!

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