Simple Machine Webquest: Inclined Plane
Technology Objectives
Science Objective
1. Go to the following page and watch the video on the inclined plane. After you’re done, take the quiz and rate yourself. Inclined Plane Video
2. Try the sample inclined plane(s) provided by your teacher. (If your teacher has not provided inclined planes, go to step three).
3. Click here. Print out and complete the inclined plane note-skeleton.
4. (a) Click here. After reading the directions, change the angle of inclination 3 times and notice the difference in the scale’s appearance. Now change the weight 3 times and notice the difference in the scale’s appearance.
5. At home, utilize an inclined plane to make an everyday task easier. It can be a task performed by you, a brother, sister, parent, or other family member. On a blank piece of paper draw, label, and describe the lever in action. Attach the paper to the lever note-skeleton completed in step 3.
6. Return to the Simple Machine Webquest Main Page and complete Part II-D.
Simple Machine Webquest Main Page