Main Entry: mul·ti·me·dia
Pronunciation: -'mE-dE-&
Function: adjective
Date: 1962 : using, involving, or encompassing several media <a multimedia
approach to learning>
- multimedianoun
Adding sound to a web page is a rather simple process.
Techniques vary from a simple link to a sound file to embedding a sound file so
that it will play when the page is loaded. Linking to a sound file is the
same process as linking to a web page except you link to the WAV or MIDI file
instead. Making a sound file play when the web page is loaded requires
using the EMBED or BGSOUND tag. With Front Page 200, you simply right
click the page and select page properties. In this dialog box you use
browse and select the sound file for your background sound. This sound
file can loop forever or a given number of times.