WORD PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND ROOTSFollowing are some of the important word prefixes used in English. the prefix is indicatedin boldface type followed by th basic meaning of the prefix. Examples of the prefixesused in words are given in italic type.ab-, a-, abs-, away from, abdact, avert,abstaina-, an-, not, less, without, agnostic, athe-ist, anarchyad-, a-, ac-, af-, to, toward, adhre, as-cribe, accord, affirmag-, al-, an-, aggressor, allude, annexap-, ar-, as-, at-, to, toward, associate,attendante-, before, antedate, antcdentanti-, ant-, against, antiseptic, antipathy,antacidana-, up, through, throughout, analysis,anatomybe-, by or near, below, besidebene-, good, well, benevolent, bnficiaibi-, two, twice, bicycle, biennialcircum-, around, ail round, circumstance,circiimventcom-, con-, col-, together, combine, con-found, collatecontra-, against, contradict, contravenede-, from, down away, dpart, descend,dnudedis-, di-, apart, apart from, distract, divertex-, ef-, e-, out, out of, export, effect, mithypo-, under, beneath, hypodermic,hypothesisi-, in, into, intrude, inside, include, insightin-, im-, il-, ir-, un-, not, inactive, im-press, illicit, irrestible, unrealinter-, between, intermingle, interstateintra-, intro-, within, intramural,introductionmal-, bad, malcontent, malnourishedmis-, wrong, misdeed, misleadnon-, not, nonentity, nonconformistob-, against, object, objectivepar-, para-, beside, beyond, paradox,parallelper-, through, thTOUg,hout,persist, pervadepri-, around, priscope, perimeterpost-, after, postpone, postscriptpr-, before, prefer, predictpro-, before, forward, prologue, promote,pronounre-, back, again, refer, report, reviewrtro-, backward, rtroactive, retrogressse-, apart, seduce, sedatesemi-, haif, semicircle, semiconscioussub-, under, submit, subordinatesuper-, supra-, above, over, supernatural,suprarationalsyn-, sym-, with, synopsis, symphony,synonymtrans-, tra-, across, transfer, traverseun-, not, reversai of action, uncovered, untieuni-, single, unity, universalvice-, instead of, vice-prsident, vice-consulwith-, against, back, withdraw, withholdWord SuffixesFollowing are some ofof thee important word suffixes used in English. the suffix is indicatedin boldface type followed by the basic meaning of the suffix. Examples of the suffixesused in words are given in italic type.-able, -ibie, -bl, capable of being, asbearable, rversible, voluble-ac, -ic, pertaining to, as cardiac, angelic-ac, -ic, condition or quality of, as maniac,mechanic-acious, characterized by, as pugnacious,tenacious-acity, quality of, as tenacity, veracity-acy, having the quality of, as accuracy,fallacy-ge, collection of, state of being, as gar-bage, mamage, storage-al, -el,-le, pertaining to, asfanatical, novel,single-an, -ian, belonging to, one who, as Amer-ican, physician, historian-ance, relating to, as reliance, distance-ancy, -ency, denoting state or quality, asoccupancy, dependency-ant, -ent, one who, as tenant,correspondent-ar, -ary, ory, relating to, as popular,dictionary, mandatory-ate, act, as mandate, confiscate