WORD PREFIXES, SUFFIXES, AND ROOTS-ation, action, as dation, sparation-cl, -ule, -ling, diminutive, as article,globule, suckling-cracy, ruie, as democracy, autocracy-cy, quality, as idiocy, ascendency-dom, state ofbeing, asfreedom, kingdom-ce, one who is acted upon, as employe,truste-ence, relating to, as confidence, abstinence-er, -or, -ar, one who, as butter, actor,scholar-fui, abounding in, as grateful, sinful-fy, -efy, -ify, to make, as deify, liquefy,solidijy-hood, condition, a.f>fatherhood,falsehood-ic, pertaining to, as historic, dmocratie-ice, act of, as justice, police, practice-il, -ile, pertaining to, capable of being, ascivil, juvnile, mobile-ity, -ty, state or condition, as sanity, ac-idity, safety-ious, full of, as laborious, rebellious-ist, one who, as pianist, machinist-ity, ty, state or condition, as sanity, ac-idity, safetyAie, -yze, to make like, as sympathize,analyze-less, without, as careless, needless,hopeless-ly, manner, like, as bodily, truthfulty-ment, resuit, as management, fragment-meter, measurement, as thermometer,hydrometer-ness, state ofbeing, as sickness, happiness-nomy, pertaining to laws or government,distribution, arrangement, as economy,harmony, astronomy-ory, place where, as directory, rectory-ous, -ious, -cous, -uous, full of, as dan-gerous, melodious, beauteous, strenaous-ose, full of, as morose, verbose-ship, state or quality, sfriendship, worship-some, like, full of, as gruesome, tiresome-ster, one who, person doing something,as gangster, songster-sion, -tion, act or state of being, as con-ception, perception-tude, condition, asfortitude, magnitude-ty, ity, condition, as clarity, peculiarity,sanity-ule, little, as globule, granule-ure, act of, as departure, manufacture-ward, direction of course, as backward,forward, downward-y, full of, characterized by, asfllhy, icy,soapyLatin and Greek Word RootsFollowing are Latin and Greek word roots which are used in English words. Word rootsgive th word its basic meaning, whereas prfixes or suffixes modify or change th rootword. Th root word is given in bold face type followed by th meaning of th root.Examples of th roots are printed in italic type. Many word roots are generally used oniyas prfixes or suffixes. However, as you examine th examples, you will note that manyappear at th beginning, in th middie, or at th end of th English word.aero, air, as aerodynamics, aerospaceag, ac, to do, as agenda, actionagr agri, agro, farm, as agriculture,agronomyanthropo, man, as anthropology, anthro-poid, misanthropeaqua, water, as aqueous, aquaticarch, ruie, principle, chief, as archbishop,archenemy, anarchyastra, astro, star, as astronomy, astral,astronomicalaud, audi, audio, hearing, as audience,auditor, audiovisualauto, self, oneself, as automatic, autographbiblio, bib, book, as bibliophile. Biblebio, life, as biology, biosphrecad, cas, fall, as cadence, cascade, casualcant, sing, as cantata, chantcap, cep, take, as captive, acceptcapit, head, as capital, capitalecat, cath, down, through, as cataract,cathterced, cess, go, yield, as rocedure, cession,antcdentcidc, cis, kill, eut, as suicide, excise,incisionclud, dus, close, as include, inclusion,precludecred, believe, as crditer, creditable, creeddec, ten, as dcimaldem, people, as democracy, dmagoguedent, tooth, as indent, dental