ROMAN NUMERALSRoman numerals are not widely used, but used often enough so you should be able toread or interpret them. Following is a table of Arabic numerals and their equivalentRoman numerals.Table of Roman Numerals The following examples illustrate the use and meaning of Roman Numerals.1. A Roman Numeral or letter preceding a letter of greater value subtracts from it:v=5 IV = 4L = 50 XL = 40C = 100 XC = 902. A letter preceding a letter of equal or lesser value adds to it.v=5 VI = 6L = 50 LX = 60C = 100 CXI = III3. You will quickly, of course, be able to remember and recognize smaller numbers.XVI = 16X (10) +VI (6) = 16XLIV = 44XL (40) +IV (4) = 44XCI = 91XC (90) +1 (1) = 91