The Report Card

Dated: 23 April 1999

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Abdullah, our Muslim student of the school of life had just completed his final year about a week ago and has just received his report card for the year 1419H. Here is his score for the five major subjects.

Subject Marks

  1. Salat 55/100
  2. Fasting 50/100
  3. Zakat 10/100
  4. Silaturrahim (relationships) 90/100
  5. Sadaqah jariah and other amal 55/100
Overall percentage (score) 52/100

Teacher's Report

Abdullah is a good person judging from his score on the subject relationship, but is far from being a good Muslim. His Salat is just borderline since he always compromises on the time of Salat and he easily switches on/off from conducting his Salat and leaving it totally.
While he had completed his fasting the full month of Ramadhan but he was unable to curb his desire to the maximum. He still ogled at girls and was unable to control his speech and hearing. He totally failed his subject - Zakat as he assumed that his sadaqah jariah is sufficient to cover his Zakat and he did not take out the obligatory 2.5% of his total wealth..
His relationship is only his saviour as he loves to make people happy and is willing to help them as such his family, friends and acquaintances know him as a person they can count on (he is reliable!) and he is generous to them.

Principal's Report

Abdullah has a long way to go to be a good Muslim. Being a good person does not necessarily mean that he is a good Muslim but being a good Muslim will definitely make him a good person.
His priority should be on mending his relationship with ALLAH SWT before others because ultimately he has to answer to the all mighty-ALLAH SWT.Thus his Salat, fasting and Zakat should not be compromised. Abdullah has room for improvement but it is imperative that he made that move himself least if he do not mind to waste his life and suffer later (life hereafter). His good relationship will not be justifiable or enough to bring him success later. He needs to balance it with an improvement in his ibadah. From his report card:- his score is 52%..(of being a Muslim?). This is a far cry from what is demanded from a Muslim!

What is your Result?

Dear brothers and sisters, what percentage of Muslim are you? 100%? 75%? 50%? 25%? or just a Muslim by name? The dawning of this new year:- 1420H should make us reflect on the ibadah we have done... what have we missed? Do we compromise on the little ibadah or on the permissible and non-permissible to make our life better. We have just completed a year and our amal book for 1419H has been closed and there is no turning back but the new year has just we improve on our ibadah or do we slack, sit back and relax...what will our report card show for the year 1420H... a true blue Muslim or only just by name??? Let's do a self-assessment before we are finally assessed by ALLAH SWT during Yawmul Qiyamah and THE REPORT CARD handed to us show that we are in the RED!, na'uzubillah.