Unitarian Universalist Church of Wakefield
326 Main Street
Wakefield MA 01880
(781) 245-4632

Email: wakefielduu@yahoo.com

Contact Information

Edmund Robinson, Minister

Phone: (781) 646-2321
Email: Edmuund@aol.com

Church office hours:
Tuesday and Thursdays. Call for times

Janine Fabiano, Administrator
Phone: (781) 245-0631
Email: J9Fabiano@aol.com

Kathryn Baptista, Religious Education Director
Phone: (978) 744-4796
Email: KathrynJB@aol.com

Jeff Workman, Music Director
Phone: (781) 245-0549
Email: keyoff1@juno.com

craerial.jpg (49292 bytes)

Photo courtesy of Alan Larsen and Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church


Our church is located right across Main Street from the Post Office. (It's the lovely white church with the Linden Tree in the middle of the front walk.)

Directions from out of town:

From 95, take exit 40, Main Street, Wakefield

Follow Main Street along the lake for a mile through the traffic light. Post Office is on the right, U-U Church is on the left.