Worship Services

Our church does not have a "creed," and in fact encourages each person to find the truth for him or herself. Yet we broadly endorse a vision of life which we articulate in this statement said at the service every Sunday:

Love is the doctrine of this church
The quest of truth is its sacrament
And service is its prayer.
This is our covenant -
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
To serve humanity in fellowship,
To the end that all souls shall grow into harmony with the Divine


Our services are held at 10:30 AM on Sundays from the Sunday after Labor Day until the second week in June. The services feature traditional Unitarian Universalist hymns, readings from literature and sacred texts, choral works and a sermon. Our choir is always open to new members! Worship services usually last about an hour and are followed by coffee and fellowship downstairs.

A nursery is available downstairs for children under three. From Three through Junior High, a religious education program is provided. Though the children are always welcome in upstairs church, the R.E. program has its own worship service downstairs. Several times a year the children sit in for all or part of the upstairs service.