

We have for sometime battled the forces of evil in the guise of "independent clergy" making their false claims of being this Church under a variety of names. Some still refer to our 1927 Charter issued to establish this Church as their Charter, others make false claims we are a re-incorporated, re-established or a stolen corporation. We know who we are and that is not debatable!

We are

The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic
and Apostolic Church in North America.

Our short name is the American Orthodox Catholic Church. Both names are listed in our 1927 Constitution. It should be noted that the Charter given by the Russian Synod of Bishops to Archbishop Ofiesh who was the first appointed Archbishop of this Church. To establish this Church Archbishop Ofiesh used the Charter, drafted the Constitution dated December 1927 and then incorporated this Church in Feb. 1928 giving this Church a legal identity that continues today. The Charter was NOT issued to individuals to go out and do their own thing. It was issued to establish a canonical orthodox Church with a specific purpose. Abp. Ofiesh was appointed to lead that Church. The individual clergy were not co-owners of the Church and had no claim to the Church in any form if they left contrary to the canons. After leaving they did not act in the name of the Church and they had no authoority or jurisdiction.

Today we publically declare we continue as that same Corporate Church (same legal identity) and we denounce the independents who claim they are us, entitled to sit on our synod, claim lines tracing back to this Church that were not authorized by the Synod of this Church, done outside the jurisdiction of the Church, not according to orthodox canons and claimed by unorthodox persons.

The Pedalion has certain requirements and when they are not met, when the Sacred and Divine Canons are ignored and individuals who never read the Rudder, the canons, claim to be orthodox clergy they insult the true orthodox and will answer to God for their lies.

The canons state that anyone who seeks a second ordination (also includes consecrations) must be deposed as well as the bishop(s) who knowingly ordain for a second time. Many who claim to be orthodox have previously claimed to be old catholics. anglicans, and from other denominations. Many have been ordained and consecrated more than once and along the way decide to assume an orthodox name with no formal orthodox training or background. They make many claims and attack us because we do not acknowledge or support their false claims.

Another AOCC Group


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and Apostolic Church in North America
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