This site is set up for complaints, so it only seems fair that I present some of my own. But because it's my site, I'd like to set my complaints apart from the rest. So, I'm putting them here and calling them rants. They won't be regular or frequent, but hopefully some will be informative.

10/8/01 - Cloning

Recently, Italian scientist Sevarino Antorini stated that he was going to produce human clones for 200 infertile men. Now, I may go to a fancy school, but it shouldn't take a genius to do the maths. Dolly the sheep was one success out of thousands of failures. Each cloning attempt requires a woman's ova, from which the nucleus is removed and the nucleus to be cloned is inserted. I don't know any woman capable of producing 200,000 eggs, even with hormone treatment, and I shudder to think of the costs involved in carefully preparing that many embryos, even if half of them die before they can be implanted in women's uteri.

It might be an idea for scientists to understand a little more about genetics and what you can and can't do before anyone tries to create a human clone, even for research puposes. I am not against human cloning, and I can see the benefits it offers, but I am quite firmly opposed to cloning humans in the near future.

In unrelated news, Star Wars Episode 2: Send in the Clones (or was that The Clone Wars?) is coming soon, and with any luck we'll find out exactly why Jar Jar Binks didn't survive to Episode 4.

©2001 Confusing Manifestation