This SouthBeach Community Leaders Child Abuse Awareness site owned by Panther Aria-Gale Windsmaiden
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Merry meet peeps! Sorry it's been so long since I've logged on.  I've been busy with being a full time mommy, seamstress, student and employee.  I haven't been online in ages!  I'm still trying to get more info for the site.  Unfortunately, there are those that follow a false path and have taken (litteraly) a fancy to my books.  I'm currently working on rebuilding my library and will have more up soon.  As always, my e-mail address is  Feel free to e-mail me if you need anything posted on this site!  Merry Part and Blessed Be!
Clip Art
Panther's Pen
Book of Shadows
Page of Appreciation links
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to hit this site since November 10, 2005