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Happy birthday, May

Birthday girl ...Mrs May Soper and the Vicar outside
the Athol Church on her 90th birthday.

May Soper arrived in Athol as a pupil teacher during the Second World War. She was just 20. She was billeted by one of the farming families in the district.

On her first Sunday, the family took her to church. And seventy years later, May celebrated her ninetieth birthday in the same church – and sat in the same pew.

May married Clarence Soper and they had four children. Three of them still live in the district.

Ack, her number two child, is farming adjacent to the original family farm. He is well respected as a former All Black. Winston, the fourth child, is farming the family farm. Adele is her third child and only daughter and now lives in the house that May and Clarence first retired to.

In the special service that May helped to write, her children and grandchildren took part in honouring this very special lady.

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