The constitution of the Student Administrative Council of
Grey Highlands Secondary School
Article I
The incoming Executive Council must ratify this Constitution by a two-thirds majority vote by the General Council members to be adhered to for the complete year or amend this Constitution so that it is suitable to them. The Principal shall approve any amendments. This shall be done before the first school day. This Constitution may, however, be amended as provided for in Article XI at any other time throughout the course of the school year.
Article II: Name
This organization shall be called the Student Administrative Council [SAC] of Grey Highlands Secondary School.
Article III: Mission Statement
The SAC exists in order to create a positive school environment through community involvement and to make all students feel welcome while providing fun and interesting activities for all the students in the school. The SAC shall be representative of the school population and promote school spirit while supporting and respecting every individual in the school.
Article IV: Jurisdiction and Powers
The jurisdiction and powers assumed by the SAC in this constitution and any amendments made to it are granted by the principal. All actions and decisions of the SAC are subject to the scrutiny of the Principal.
Article V: Members of the SAC Executive Council
1. The following shall constitute the members of the SAC Executive Council:
a. Advertising Chairperson
b. Assembly Committee Chairperson
c. Athletic Representatives
d. Co-Presidents who will equally share responsibilities, tasks and duties throughout the year.
e. Fundraising Chairperson
g. Secretary
h. Social Convenors
i. Staff Advisors
j. Student Trustee
k. Treasurer
l. Any former executive SAC member is able to be on the current executive committee as a student advisor.
2. The duties of members and heads of standing committees of the SAC shall be as defined in the corresponding by-laws.
3. The members of the SAC General Council shall consist of all those members enrolled in the group; including Executive Council members.
4. If any position on the SAC is vacated, replacement shall be by the appointment of the Co-Presidents, subject to the 2/3 majority vote of the SAC General Council.
Article VI: Procedure for Appointment or Election of SAC Executive Council Members
1. Co-Presidents
The abovementioned shall be a student with one year of experience on SAC. In order to qualify, they shall have at least a sixty percent average (60%) on the report issued immediately prior to the elections.
All students and staff of the school will vote for the candidates by secret ballot.
The nominations shall be held in the last week of April and the first weeks of May, or shortly thereafter. The elections shall take place during the last day of the campaign week.
2. Fundraising Chairperson, Athletic Representatives, Social Convenors, Secretary.
Will be elected by the school body (teachers included), and will assume office the first day of official summer vacation.
These positions are made available to any student of the school.
3. The Treasurer, Student Trustee and OSSSA members shall be appointed by the outgoing SAC before the election day.
Article VII: Voting Privileges of SAC Members
All votes must be passed by a 2/3 majority. All members of the SAC have voting privileges with the exception of the Chairperson and the Staff/Student Advisors.
Article VIII: Meetings
1. Any member of the school's student body may attend any regular meeting of the SAC.
2. Regular meetings shall be called by the Executive Council no less than every two weeks.
3. Special meetings may be called by either or both the Co-Presidents at any time.
4. A Co-President shall act as the Chairperson at the SAC meetings.
5. Parlamentary procedures shall follow "Parlamentary Practices"
6. Minutes of the previous meeting will be read aloud by the Secretary at each meeting.
7. An agenda will be presented at the commencement of the meeting.
Article IX: Finances
1. The SAC will control the finances of all school activities unless the SAC directs otherwise.
2. An annual fee may be collected from each student so desiring. In return a Student Card is issued to the student. A Student Card is compulsory for all members of extracurricular activities. Each club and activity shall publish a list of members of that club or activity and present it to the Treasurer. All such money shall be outgoing to the treasurer and deposited in the SAC bank account.
3. Each SAC constituted organization must present a detailed budget of proposed expenditure.
4. Moneys will be dispersed equitably to the members of the executive council after the special budget meeting.
5. After approval, the Treasurer shall maintain a balanced budget.
6. The student or teacher in charge of events shall be responsible for collections of all receipts and see that all bills are remitted to the Treasurer.
7. To obtain money for payment of bills not covered by the budget, the teacher in charge shall:
a. Send a request to the Treasurer, who, in the instance of emergency, may call a meeting of the executive council.
b. For items which are not urgent, send a request to the Executive Council for approval.
c. If it is a loan to pay advance bills, send a request to the Treasurer, who may advance such funds at her/his discretion.
8. Unless correct procedures for finances are followed, the SAC will not assume any responsibility for the expenses incurred.
9. The books of the SAC shall be audited annually, not later than September of the following year, by auditors appointed by the Executive Council.
10. The budget committee shall consist of the Executive Council members.
11. All cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and one Staff Advisor.
Article X: By-Laws
The SAC shall be empowered to legislate by-laws
1. Such by-laws shall take the form of rules and regulations extending in greater detail and more effectively applying the provisions of this Constitution, while not contrary to it.
2. To become effective, a by-law shall be approved by a majority vote of the voting members of the Executive Council, then the General Council. A by-law may be amended or repealed in the same manner.
3. All by-laws must be approved by the Principal.
Article XI: Amendments
1. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members of the SAC.
2. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed only by members of the SAC.
3. The Constitution and all amendments shall be submitted to the Principal for approval
4. Introduction of amendments:
a. The main amending motion shall be introduced by being read at a regular meeting of the General Council prior to that meeting at which ratification is to be moved.
b. The interval between the first introduction and the motion for ratification shall never be less than seven days.
By-Law 1:
A by-law to define the arrangement of the by-laws of the SAC. The SAC is empowered by Article X of its Constitution to legislate by-laws. Be it therefore enacted by the SAC that:
1. All by-laws shall be numbered consecutively, from this by-law, and shall be drawn up in a similar form.
2. By-laws shall be printed with the minutes of the SAC meeting at which they are passed or repealed.
3. A book of by-laws shall be maintained by the Secretary of the SAC containing a copy of each by-law in the correct order, with signature of the Co-Presidents as evidence of their passage.
By-Law 2:
A by-law to outline the duties of the Advertising Chairperson, who shall:
1. Appoint a working committee of at least four (4) SAC members to carry out the advertising for SAC coordinated activities and events.
2. Ensure that those persons hired by the local radio/television stations and newspapers carry out complete and accurate coverage of school activities, events and policies.
3. Ensure that all necessary advertising is carried out, as desired by the Chairperson of the activity involved, including announcements, posters, radio, television and newspaper coverage.
4. Communicate regularly with the other committee chairpeople and ensure that all activities are being related to the school body and the community in a regular and accurate manner.
5. Report the activities of her/his committee to the SAC.
6. Organize a group within her/his committee to:
a. Maintain the bulletin boards in the corridors and in the main foyer; post all information involving student activities.
b. Ensure the maintenance of showcases regularly by installing new displays, with items for advertising, educational and interest purposes.
c. Compile a complete resume of all news coverage concerning the school body, to be collected in book form and submitted to the SAC Secretary at the end of the school year.
By-Law 3:
A by-law to outline the duties of the Assembly Committee Chairperson, who shall:
1. Be appointed by the voting members of the Executive Council.
2. Form a committee of not less than four (4) SAC members to plan all assemblies. The Principal and Vice Principal are consultants for this committee. A written agenda or proposal must be completed and submitted for approval to the Principal or Vise Principal, Staff Advisors and Co-Presidents.
3. Organize material for assemblies and contact the necessary persons or groups. Technical aspects, such as sound systems should be coordinated with the Sound and Light crew. Letters and phone calls should be designated among committee members.
4. Present a report at SAC meetings or Executive meetings when called upon. This report shall consist of future assemblies, comments on recent assemblies and financial expenditures of the committee.
5. Present requests for shortened days to the Co-Presidents and Principals for approval.
By-Law 4:
A by-law to outline the duties of the Athletic Representatives who shall:
1. Be responsible for the organization and arrangements of all sports assemblies.
2. Be responsible for the organization of Athletic Spirit days.
3. Be responsible for all athletic fundraisers.
4. Be responsible for ensuring all extra-curricular activity members have purchased student cards and paid levies.
By-Law 5:
A by-law to outline the duties of the Co-Presidents, who shall
1. Be the official representatives of this student body.
2. a. At her/his discretion be an exoffico member of all committees.
b. Have the power to create special committees consisting of members of the SAC and/or members of the student body, at her/his discretion.
3. Call meetings of the SAC as often as he/she deems necessary, in accordance with the provisions in the Constitution.
4. Chair meetings of the Executive Council, and General Council.
5. In the event that there is a dispute over the meaning of this Constitution and its by-laws, the Co-Presidents shall have the responsibility of concluding that dispute. Failure by the Co-Presidents to resolve the dispute will necessitate the involvement of the Principal.
6. Represent the school at all GHSS Staff Advisor arbitration committee meetings and inter-school council meetings.
By-Law 6:
A by-law to specify the duties of the Fundraising Chairperson who shall:
1. Have responsibility over all SAC fundraising. All fundraising proposals will be submitted to the fundraising Chairperson, who will in turn submit those to the Executive Council.
By-Law 7:
A by-law to outline the duties of the OSSSA Representative who shall:
1. Act on issues and matters that concern the secondary school students of Ontario.
2. Determine and represent what is in the best interest of Ontario secondary school students and present it to the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training and all other appropriate organizations in all matters of concern to students.
3. Provide resources and leadership training to students in Ontario in order to help them achieve their own objectives.
4. Promote communication and cooperation amongst secondary school students in Ontario.
By-Law 8:
A by-law to specify the duties of the Secretary, who shall:
1. Scribe minutes and take attendance for every SAC meeting.
2. File minutes chronologically in a three-ring binder as well as posting them on the SAC website.
3. Exercise all secretarial duties for the SAC, including: typing letters; issuing correspondence; issuing memoranda, etc.
By-Law 9:
A by-law to outline the duties of the two social convenors who shall:
1. Be head dance officials, and at least one shall be present at each school dance.
2. Head the school dance committee.
3. Organize decorations for any dances as requested by the SAC.
4. Report to Principal or Chaperones any occurrences or violations of the dance rules.
5. Meet in September with the Executive Council and establish a possible list of dance dates.
6. Organize the SAC dances, organize workers, schedule bands/disk jockeys, arrange for Chaperones, arrange school rental, contracts, etc.
7. Oversee all school social events after school
By-Law 10:
A by-law to outline the duties of the Staff Advisors who shall:
1. Represent the attitudes of the staff and administration on the issues involved in the school body.
2. Be a liaison between the SAC and the Principal, making sure that the Principal receives accounts of minutes, financial reports, by-laws and articles of this Constitution.
3. Report any irregularities to the Executive Council immediately.
4. Assist the Treasurer with her/his duties.
By-Law 11:
A by-law to outline the duties of the Treasurer, who shall:
1. Have general supervision of the finances of the SAC.
2. Have custody of and be responsible for all moneys and investments of the SAC and thereby he/she shall:
a. Deposit in the name of the SAC all moneys that may come into her/his possession for the SAC's account.
b. Endorse for collections or deposit, all bills, notes and cheques.
3. a. Keep full and accurate records and accounts in the books belonging to the SAC which:
i. Shall show the transactions of the SAC (i.e. its accounts, liabilities and financial condition.)
ii. Shall be available for inspection by any member of the SAC.
iii. Shall be audited annually by September of the following school year by auditors appointed by the SAC, copies of which shall be issued to the Principal, and Co-Presidents. (Note: This information shall include payment, revenue and budgets to date.)
b. Present in person a bi-monthly report of the financial conditions of the SAC at a regular SAC meeting.
4. Have jurisdiction over the finances of all SAC affiliated organizations5. Ensure that all cheques issued are counter-signed by one of the Staff Advisors.
6. Oversee the collection of student fees and the distribution of student cards.
7. Act as chief returning officer during elections for all elected offices of the SAC.
By-Law 12:
A by-law to outline disciplinary procedures of the SAC:
1. If a member of he SAC is absent from three meetings or only two in sequence, he/she will be summoned before the Co-Presidents and Staff Advisors to explain the absences. If he/she cannot reasonably justify the absences, he/she will be asked to resign from the SAC. A member who is unable to attend should arrange to have another SAC member act as proxy.
2. The motion to impeach a member will be given at any SAC meeting. The motion will be voted upon no later than fourteen days following the first reading.
3. In the event of resignation that must be submitted in writing outlining the reasons for resignation. That position will be appointed by the Co-Presidents and Staff Advisors.
By-Law 13:
A by-law outlining the Temporary committees of the SAC who shall:
1. Be formed by a motion in the SAC.
2. Report to the SAC as required in the motion of their creation.
3. Be in existence for the time specified in the motion of their creation.
By-Law 14:
A by-law to outline restrictions and control of school activities by the SAC:
1. No club, group or society using the school name may organize without the consent of the SAC.
2. If there is a need for a club to have a constitution, then there shall be one and if a conflict arises between the club's constitution and the SAC, the SAC shall have precedence.
3. The teacher in charge of any new school activity shall with a student representative of her/his group, be asked to draw up a general program of the year' work and present it to the SAC for discussion and approval.
4. Before making arrangements for a public entertainment or fundraising function, which will effect the school at large, the student or teacher in charge will be asked to lay the essential features of this plan before the SAC in an agenda for approval (on an event proposal form).
By-Law 15:
A by-law to outline the election campaign:
1. There will be an assembly during the one week campaign at which each candidate will speak and outline her/his policies concerning the position they seek.