Can Bill Clinton’s presumptive heir, Al Gore,
Re-claim the likely successor’s mantle from Bush,
Who ran poorly in New Hampshire, and beat Bradley
And that other campaign reformer McCain,
Beneficiary of Bush-trimmer Forbes
And Bush-burning firebrand Keyes?
Now these survivors beating every bush
For voters, spread across the country: Bradley
And Gore take aim at Super Tuesday, McCain
Swamps the leader in Carolina, Forbes
Dips again into his wealth for keys
To victory, skirting a loser’s gore.
Athletes, the affluent and Wall Street like Bradley
So the pundits say, but will he cane
Gore with campaign abuse, half-truths and forbes
Bill’s ghost on him or will the rhythmic keys
Of Big D influence play Glory for Gore
Leaving Bradley disconsolate in the bush?
How far can he go, that fleet challenger McCain
Using calls to duty instead of Forbes-
Like wealth to woo voters to hand him precious keys
To our country’s future, and can he vanquish Gore
Better than Establishment-crowned Bush
Or beat ex-hoopster, Rhodes scholar Senator Bradley?
How much will he spend, bespectacled publisher Forbes,
Before the gauge on his bank account unkeys
His effort; How long will Alan Keyes gore
Moderate sensibilities and keep Bush
Right of center, far distant from liberal Bradley
And partially veil abortion for McCain?
All candidates attempt to strike the right Keyes
With finicky electorates Gore
Go home wounded by a voter amBush;
So defend your base then grow Bradley
Until a majority of votes you Cain
Claim, from such is electoral victory Forbes.
Forbes had money in bank; Alan rhetorical Keyes
Bradley thoughtful bent; W. legacy of Bush
McCain is crafting a rush, aiming to thwart Al Gore