OJ Simpson, a man accused of murder

Dressed in suit and tie and seated at table

As if to talk of business and shuffle paper,

Faces the judge the one and only juror

To convince his role was less than probable,


He's inactive in this courtroom drama

Watching lawyers, cops and coroner

Battle all before the media

That catch each sigh and fidget on camera

Contrasting his smooth profile with bloody murder,


Robert Shapiro attorney for the Defense

Marcia Clark attorney for the People

Dispute the nature and substance of evidence

In Law though two people dead is evident

Enough, the defendant's silence culpable,


The media become a part of the play

Whose frenzy for the story eats its tail

Calling witnesses to talk for pay

Heating Opinion, compelling the Public say

The System is unjust and likely to fail,


Meanwhile counsel Shapiro sets out to bloody

Repute of those who swear to tell the Truth

His sharp teeth the edge that Simpson's celebrity

Buys, his narrow intent paid tendency

Enforcing links between assaults and suits,


But now such intensity must dormant lie

Judge Kathleen Kennedy-Powell deciding blood drops

At the crime suggest the defendant guilty

Of killing Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman, why

He cut throats to be sought beyond a probable cause.

