People are different than animals because first and foremost we have awareness. From awareness comes the power of choice, reason, and opinion. Life is more than just instinct, people more than simply logic or simply emotion. If an action is presented to you, there is a correct and an incorrect answer logically and morally. While this system of belief simplifies all bodies of information into sets of right and wrong, conclusions and premises, there are still innumerable possible of combinations. Conflict in this world on all levels arises from the clash of different sets of true/false combinations. These are based on your experiences in life which help you lean towards certain responses and how strongly. To avoid said conflicts one must mesh opposing beliefs instead of ramming them together. Understanding must be forged between both sides. This understanding stems from empathy. Empathy empowers one side to envision the situation from the other's perspective. Seemingly irrational choices suddenly clearer and make more sense. The other side is not wrong, they are just another kind of right. The possibility of overlapping needs and sacrificing wants increases when each side understands the other's reasoning. So.... go do that? 1