life is saying no to eternity. Life, time, setting up distractions. There is only one eventuality. Death? No. death is an illusion, life is an illusion. I am an illusion. Always changing not fixed not static. CHANGING. Choices change me I am not the same as yesterday. Same with dreams, they are real until they are done gone wisps of smoke revealing. What? We all have stories with different details, different distractions. All on a road. We all trip fall bruise hurt cry scream love pleasure happy sad. All roads have the same end. Journey unique, but is it important? We will all say yes in the end. What is stopping, what makes yes hard to understand. I can breathe it breathe breathe breathe it is close. Mind helpful or detrimental. Words, imperfect. Cannot fully express that which is in my breast. Mind works with words, mind is imperfect. Quiet the mind quiet the mind quiet quiet quiet CRAZY! Quiet quiet time gone and no words no thoughts… need to do, need to be. Cigarette, people. quiet cigarette people and company. 1