Ethnic Germans

Ethnic Germans
What are "ethnic Germans" (Volksdeutsche)? How has the definition changed over time? Where do ethnic Germans live? When have they migrated to those countries? In which countries are the largest numbers of ethnic Germans found? Find maps of these countries and add them to your Web page. Link the maps to the Web page you get them from.
Ethnic German - Wikipedia
Ethnic Germans -
Fewer Ethnic Germans Immigrating to Ancestral Homeland - Migration Policy Institute

German colonies in Africa
What were the names of the German colonies (in English and German) and what are the present day names of former German colonies? In what years did Germany "acquire" colonies, in what year did it lose them and why? Find maps of the German colonies and add them to your Web page. Link the maps to the Web page you get them from.
German East Africa
List of former German colonies - Wikipedia
Pages and pictures about/from the former german colonies
Former Colonies and other Overseas Territories (Germany)
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Afro Germans
How is racisim in Germany similar to racism in other European countries? What is Aryanism? What arguments speak in favor of identifying classical German composer Ludwig van Beethoven as Afro German and what arguments speak against it? How many Germans of African descent live in Germany today? What percentage of the German population is foreign born? How does that compare with the percentage of foreign born in the United States?
Afro-Germans and the Problem of Cultural Location
Was Beethoven Afro German?
Muticultural Germany Home Page
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Germans and Slavery in North America
What is meant by "the German slave trade"? What ethnic group was "traded"? When did this happen?
The Pariah Syndrome
German Immigration to Texas
Texas Germanic Heritage
When was the earliest German immigration to Texas? What percentage of these immigrants were successful at establishing themselves as farmers, merchants or "mechanics" (laborers)? Whose persecution led to further German immigration? Who were the "Pennsylvania Dutch"? How many "Germanies" were there before 1871? Where were "Little Germany" and "Greater Germany"? What reasons were there for not immigrating to Texas? Who were the "Know Nothings" and what did they have to do with German immigration? Why were German and Irish immigrants hit hard by the yellow fever plague? What years had the largest number of German immigrants to Texas? Did a large or small number of Germans support the succession of the Confederacy from the Union during the Civil War? How long were there more German language newspapers in Texas than there were English? What year did the last German  language newspaper cease publication? Why could one find African Americans in New Braunsfels in 1885 who spoke German, but no English?

The Role of Germans in the Movement to Abolish Slavery
When was the earliest known protest of Germans against slavery? When did abolitionism become a full-scale movement in Pennsylvania? What famous "Founding Father" was a member of Pennsylvania Abolition Society?
Founding of Pennsylvania Abolition Society (1775)
Slavery Timeline 1501-1600
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