Peace on Earth© 2006 by Peter Jude Fagan Please End All Corruption on Earth. What about terrorists? How should governments deal with them? The answer is simple. Terrorists should be handled the same way Jesus dealt with the ultimate terrorist.
In this particular passage Satan was holding the entire world hostage. He told Jesus that if He would worship him then the whole world – past, present and future – would live in peace. Imagine that! No more pollution, political corruption, crime or wars if only Jesus would worship Satan. Mankind would have a virtual utopian society today if only Jesus had worshiped Satan. But our Lord did not give into evil’s terrorism. He put the law of God first. ankind must also put the law first. Only then can mankind hope to defeat terrorism. Many terrorists claim that they are doing the will of God when they kill “infidels.” They claim that they are in a “holy war” against infidels and that it is God’s will that they kill, mutilate and destroy the unbelievers. First of all, they are misinterpreting scripture. God does not desire the death of any of His children. Our Lord is a peaceful God. He is a loving God and a forgiving God.
Again from the Old Testament.
Secondly, when terrorists kill those whom they claim are infidels they also kill innocent children. Their car bombs and suicide bombers kill indiscriminately – those who they claim are unbelievers and those who are believers. This cannot be the will of God! God cannot desire the death of His holy children. Violence of any kind is not of God. Atrocities committed in the name of God are a blasphemy. The killing of someone or the killing of oneself in an act of terrorism is not the will of God; it is the will of Satan. It is the will of those who deliberately distort the word of God in order to fulfill their own fundamentalist beliefs and obtain their own terrorists goals. Further, when an individual blows himself up while riding in a bus or on train full of innocent people or hijacks an airplane and blows it up or flies it into a building, such action is not going to destroy his enemy or destroy capitalism. It only makes his enemies stronger. It only strengthens the resolve of his enemy. It only makes capitalistic imperialism stronger. It gives those capitalistic imperialists in positions of authority the excuse they need to further enrich themselves at the expense of the poor, to chip away at the Bill of Rights, and to further enslave the children of God by taking away their civil liberties. (This is done under the disguise of allegedly patriotic laws against terrorism.) If those who would seek an end to capitalistic imperialism chose peaceful means of obtaining their goals then they would find that they would make better and more lasting gains than they would by choosing to commit acts of terrorism, violence and war. By choosing to use such tactics they are only strengthening the ability and determination of their enemies to further enslave the children of God. They are only making it harder for themselves to defeat capitalistic imperialism. In fact, anyone who chooses terrorism, violence and war as a means of settling disputes is choosing against God, for God is a peaceful God. Peace cannot be won at the point of a gun. A Pax Americana imposed on the world by American might and American weaponry will not bring peace for anyone; it will only bring destruction for all. The so called war on terror CANNOT be won militarily. It can only be won by peacefully negotiating with those who use terrorism to achieve their goals. Indeed, the only truly effective way of settling any dispute is through peaceful negotiation. (Negotiating with terrorists does not necessarily mean giving into terrorist’s demands.) As I have said elsewhere, those who are negotiating the peace must be totally truthful in everything they do and say. There can be no hidden agendas or false pretexts. There can be no coercion of any kind. Truth and justice must be the ultimate goal of everyone. But most importantly, individual civil liberties must be guaranteed and maintained for everyone.