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Be it known, That before me, John W A Pettit, a Justice of the Peace,in and for the County aforesaid, duly authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appearedMargaret Robinsonand made oath in due form of law, that: she is one of the surviving children of David Blalock the identical person who was a Pensioner and is now dead and to whom a pension certificate was issued, but which after diligent search cannot be found for the purpose of being surrendered. That the said David Blalock left no widow surviving him and two children only to wit: This deponent and her sister Mary Webb [Mary Rebecca Blalock Webb?] who has been absent for over fifteen years without having been heard from and this deponent has no knowledge of her present residence, or if she is living or dead.
That the deceased pensioner resided
before his death in Fayette County, said the state and has resided there
for the space of 7 years and previous there to he had resided in Franklin
County, same state, of the truth of which statement I am fully satisfied
Margaret + Robinson
Witness: James T. Brown
Sworn to and subscribed before use,
this 10th
Day of September A.D. 1857
John W.A. Pettit
Justice of the Peace