Parent Page
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This page contains information just for parents, due dates of important projects and tests, and (as I find them,) links of interest to parents.


If you came here to check out the latest schedule for tests and projects, click here.




A reminder that when your daughters are doing projects, you are encouraged to help her learn how to use word processing and graphics software, and to help her surf the internet to find sources (as well as drive her to the library). HOWEVER, I expect the students to actually DO THEIR OWN WORK..  That includes typing their own papers. Typing isn't your job! It's her job. They need to learn how to do it themselves. If you spend some time now teaching her how to use Word, Publisher or other software, then soon she will be able to use it by herself.. And the next time she gets an assignment, you can concentrate on the millions of other things you need to do, and let her get the satisfaction of completing a task on her own. Think of yourself as a technical resource. Your daughter is getting the grade, not you!



Tests, Quizzes,  and Projects on the Horizon


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Links of Interest

Family Education . com   This is a terrific site. It is huge and has tons of information, ideas, activities, etc. Definitely check it out!


Click Here to go to the GFS homework site.


Click on the letter to send me email.


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