The Beatles: Across the Curriculum
"Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo, so little time, so much to know."
          Jerimy Hillary Boob      Yellow Submarine

Mission Statement Course Outline
Author Pages Course Syllabus
BeginnerTrivia Quiz E-mail
Mission Statement
     This online course will allow students to take an in-depth look at the phenomenon known as The Beatles.  This course proposes to explore the achievements The Beatles made to the humanities and the cultural world.  The lesson plans were developed to work with various curricular areas.  The Beatles are used as the subject to teach and review a variety of Writing I and basic skills.  The students will be able to choose their own path of learning by selecting the types of assignments they would like to complete from a list of possible assignments.
     This course was designed using several different learning theories.  It offers a wide variety of learning activities that were developed using different educational strategies.
     So turn ON your mind, relax, and float downstream into the learning experience entitled The Beatles: Across the Curriculum.

Course Outline

Course Syllabus
I  Beatle Biographies II  The Beatle's
          Music & Recording
III The Art World 
        and the Beatles
IV  Social Studies
          1960's Web Quest
V  The Beatle's Sgt. Pepper
        Album Cover Research 

  VI The Beatles Web Page
VII The Beatle's
         Lyrics & Poetry
VIII  The Beatles:
          After the Breakup
#9The Internet Beatles:
          An Overview
X Critical Analysis of
          The Beatles
Course Information
  Course Objectives   Course Needs/Goals
  Assignment Rubrics   Course Proposal
  Course Map    Content Outline

Your Notes

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"The Beatles; poets of a generation; heroes of an era.  Like both poets and heroes they both expressed and reflected the spirit of their time." (1992)
      When the Beatles crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 1964, they produced a widespread movement in popular music and culture, and the ripple effect of their genius is still prevalent today.  John, Paul, George, and Ringo with their timing, fate, talent and charisma, merged into a tidal wave that resulted in a musical and cultural revolution that would influence the world for generations.  The effect is undeniably relevant. They are among the most revered and historically influential people of the twentieth century.
spacer GIFAuthor Pages
   Copyright     Web Resources
    Web site design     Author's Resume
Learning Theories     Evaluation Form

Please click on the Apple Bonkers below to test your 
Beatle Trivia Knowledge.

The Beatles: Across the Curriculum
is maintained by:
Mary Ann Fornataro
This Web site contains course work and links to various Beatle sites.  Please e-mail your comments or suggestions.