::ashes to ashes dust to dust::

pic from www.evelin.de]]

18/02/01 Sunday 2:29pm ::Annoying Parents::
My dad wants me to go outside and do something productive, or read a book. Hee Hee. I told him "well can i take the car, and me and jackie can go somewhere" and he yelled at me "were you born with a fucking car?! no!! walk!!" What an ass. I would go over to my friend's house, but no car. Blah this sucks. I should get going in a sec, or else my dad will do what he did last night..just come straight up to the computer and turn it off without warning. ASS.
7:28pm ::never good enough::
last night i remember my parents telling me "oh, did you hear that our neighbors daughter got accepted to the University of St.Thomas? did you apply there?" "No. i didnt want to." "well...i find it so funny how her grades are way higher then yours. yet she goes out to parties and goes out way more then you do. how is that possible?" "well dad, more then half the people in the top 10% of the class are party people." "hmm.. then i guess you should go out to parties and stuff" "okay dad" what a wierdo. im bored like a mofo. i cant stay online long, i just wanted to update my rambling for the sake of updating.
9:19pm ::war, not peace!!::
hee hee, i dont really mean that above statement too much. its just that my buddyroo muna tuna wants there to be a ww3. cause of that whole america vs. iraq and such thing going down. im not toooo fully aware of all the facts. so i cant exactly pick sides. but i will say one thing.. america is fucking stupid, and bush can kiss my beaner butt!!! is it wrong for me to want to make out with a friend....yet not go out with them? knowing fully well that they kinda like me?? hmmm...
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19/02/01 Monday 3:20pm ::sleepy tired sleepy tired..tired...tired::
got our class ranks today. im 159 out of 734 people. thats pretty good. i dont give a rats ass, as long as i get out of school. im very tired. beinga girl sucks sometimes. get to go into school later then usual tues.-thurs. yay me. then, today paul made my day by writing me an email. its very rare for that guy to email me. it made me laugh, it made me cry...im very emotional around this time. he knows what im talking about, ha ha, even though he wishes he didnt. im a woman damnit!! you've gotta expect this from me!!!
9:01pm :: faults ::
i turn too slowly while driving
i am very picky about what i eat
i bite my nails
i hardly brush my hair
i sing too loudly in the shower
i forget to turn the porch light on
i know when im teasing
i like thinking about people who are worse off then me to make myself feel better
i dont do as well as i know i can
i let people walk over me sometimes
i try and catch my reflection in windows
i am a huge procrastinator
i treat my family like crap sometimes
i talk back to my parents
i like hearing some kids cry
i didnt watch my sister closely enough once, and she jumped out of the car window while we were driving
i once forgot to bring an extra pair of underwear to a pool party when i was 5, so i went home wet
i think about bad things while in church
i made up excuses to get out of going to work
i often take more of my fair share when splitting food
i laugh at jokes about other nationalities
i dont give enough money to donation boxes
i slack off on purpose to make things interesting
i have no motivation in life
i complain too much
i worry too much
i exaggerate too much
i lead a pretty good life and am not as thankful about it as i should be
i dont view my health as priority number one
i dont visit my family in mexico as much as i should
i see myself as expendable more then i should
i take long naps to avoid having to deal with life

and there's more...
20/02/01 Tuesday 3:42pm ::HONK IF YOURE HAPPY!!::
all i can say is that muna drives like a wild bat
dee has a great sense of direction
sarah clearly has a great house
jessica is tons of fun
and today rocked
10:26pm ::biography of a simple girl::
i've let my new found ego get the best of me sometimes. i shouldnt let it do that. im going to try and do my best at keeping myself together. i've changed a lot over the year, because of the experiences i've been through and the new people i've met. everyone changes at some point in their life. sometimes i wonder if i even want to really change so much. i'd like to date someone again, because i liked the whole dating thing, but after a full year of chaos and drama...its kind of intimidating and scary to even seriously consider getting back into the whole dating scene again. tonight one of my ex-bfs called me up, and while he was talking to me i was just thinking of how around this same time last year i started to really date for the first time. and i smiled. so maybe theres still hope for me yet. and what i mean by that is, maybe theres still a chance that i will start to seriously consider dating again. who would i date? not too sure. and would i want a serious relationship? probably not at all. i've had my eye on a certain somebody for quite some time now though.  wow. its only going to be 11pm and for some reason, im already getting tired....thats crazyness.
21/02/01 Wednesday 2:51pm ::sitting on top::
yay! got out of school early today, my buddyroo ashley brought me home. she's nice. :) tomorrow is the Weezer concert!!! woohoo!! that should be tons of fun, cause im going with my friends. so far my winamp has been playing good songs, i've got it on shuffle... today i met a guy named Omar, he sat at this lunch table that i was at in the morning. he was nice. i should probably be reading my stupid book for english class, but i dont feel much like it. weird thing is that i dont even want to read other books for fun like i usually tend to do. my sister just got home, there goes me being calm and collected. hee hee. ugh. just made the font bigger on this page, because although i think that smaller font is cuter, its harder to read for some people. im kinda hungry, i should go eat something. la dee dah, i feel great wearing this dress. :)
5:12 :: we are screaming inside, oh we cant be heard::
sarah mchlachlan is gorgeous..i love that lady. tonight are the Grammy's. how fun! i'll get to see everyones wacky outfits and such, and laugh at people performing like bafoons. hopefully radiohead will win something, cause if they dont, then that just goes to show how stupid people are. i think in one category for best female pop vocal or something, madonna is nominated w/christina a. and britney s. Now people, you know madonna is going to win, AND if she doesnt..it just goes to show again. Well you know. agh. how do i feel about nudity..well. i think its a beautiful thing, if someone is confident enough to stand there stark naked in front of people then woohoo to them!! i myself wouldnt mind being naked in front of people. as long as i have my legs shaved, hee hee. im getting more sleepy, i feel like taking a nap. oh yeah, this morning i saw The cookie Monster on the Martha Stewart show. she was mean to him =P
23/02/01 Thursday 12:13am ::jumping for air::
just got back from the weezer concert, and im tired. so this wont be too long. i just wanted to inform you guys that it was a good concert. the first 2 opening bands werent too great, but WEezeR rocked ass!! there were tons of cute guys there, but i never really approached any. just like 1, i asked him what his age was, he was 18. and that was it. hee hee, i just wanted to see if he was 21 so he could by my friend a drink. on the way to the concert...gawd was that a crazy mess, i wont go into detail about that. just know, if someone looks like they wont call the cops for you hitting their car, give them a fake number and address, and say you dont have insurance. :) okay, so we get to the concert, and diana and i both want to be up close, so we go waaaay up front. it was coo, until the crowd started getting VERY rowdy, now honestly, i dont mind that too much. its pretty fun and adds to the atmosphere, but i DID NOT like it when i fell to the ground, and had like 8 people on top of me for what seemed like an eternity. i thought i heard a bone crack....before WeezEr came on we went and sat on the bleachers. cause i knew that it'd get worse if we stayed up so close, i would black out from the heat and hot air or something. im a wuss. so sue me :-P i still had a great time though..i love those gals. mwa! me go nite nite now.
3:59pm ::miscommunication & sense of mind::
when tensions build up it makes things bad. especially if its very clear that there is something wrong, yet its not really spoken. ha ha. if youre reading this and you know what im talking about...im not going to say a real damn word about it though. cause in this case i think its all pretty stupid. i had a good time last night, and it would have been better if i just wouldnt have thought with my ass so much. i would've stayed on the floor the whole night if i could've. and yeah, we used a crappy car to take us, but at least we got there. but now im feeling better, cause a good song just came on, and that should calm me down. i hate it when im accused of doing something to spite someone, or sabotage someone or crap like that. im too picky when it comes to guys...i know i shouldnt really be. cause i'll end up with nobody that fits my mold. but he is out there somewhere..eating chocolate maybe.
7:20pm ::paul makes the world go round::
im feeling much betta now, talkin to my boy paul-o rooney. he is da bomb!! enter his contest folks in the message board!! i changed up the front of my page, i like doing that. just changing my page all da time. :) makes things interesting. of course there are sites waaay betta then mine. but ah well, mine will do. "that'll do pig..that'll do" hee hee, love that movie. [[ im referring to Babe]] tomorrow im going to an art competetion thing called VASE. it stands for uh...Visual Art Scholastic ..something. i'll be gone from 11am-6pm...gee gad. but luckily some of my friends will be there, so it wont be hell!! one of the songs i really liked at the weezer concert last night was ONly in dreams..i also put the lyrics up there on da page. Im thinking of getting rid of my music section page. cause i never update it. =P takes too much time...