Vivid emotions splinter out from deep breaths
Raging wars on paper and whispers
Eratic thoughts dance around confusion and pain
Simplifying questions
Motivating time
Rumours become sleepless at dark
Pointing out smudges
Tapping to the beat
Laughing hysterically at me
Surround myself in stories and smiles
Wind up my watch
Hurry up and leave
Persistance and whining
Sweet like syrup
Humming a tune
In my Creative Writing class we had an assignment to write about our "inner self" and our "public self" They could be written in a story, poem, or short story form. I choose poem form, since it comes easier to me then writing stories.
So one of these two poems up there by the picture is about the "inner me". Which in other words is how i am inside.
The other one is the "public me" the side that i let people see, and how i am in public all the time.

Take a guess as to which is which.....