Fox and Geese |
Number of Players: 2 |
Objective: The Fox tries to capture enough Geese so he can not be surrounded. While the geese try and trap the Fox so it cannont move. |
Materials: The Board Shown, Seventeen Playing pieces of one color and one piece of a different color to represent the Fox and the Geese. |
To Begin Play: Put the Seventeen pieces on the board as illustrated (In Black). The Fox may be placed anywhere else on the board (But usually placed in the center). |
To Play: The Fox should always move first. It is able to move in any direction (Forward, Backward, diagonally, or sideways) along the lines. The Fox attempts to capture the Geese by juming over them into an adjacent open space. The fox may capture more than one geese per move is an adjacent spot is open by each geese. A Fox must capture a geese if the opportunity presents itselfl The Geese may move forward, sideways, or diagonally, but never backwards. |
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Game Ends: Game ends when either the geese do not have enough pieces left to surround the Fox or the Fox can no longer make a move |