di Kalangan Warga Kasepuhan Ciptarasa di Desa Sirnarasa.
Gunawan, Rimbo.
This script is an ethnography of a local or traditional medical system particulary concerned with prenatal and postnatal care. The reserach was conducted at Kasepuhan Ciptarasa community , a peasant community, that live on the slopes of Gunung Halimun at Desa Sirnarasa, Kecamatan Cisolok, Kabupaten Sukabumi, West Java.
Data were collected intensively during periodic visitations from July-September 1987, November-December 1987, January 1988, June - July 1988, July - August 1990, February - March 1991, July 1991, April 1992, and in July 1992. A functional-structural approach was used to explain them.
Results indicate that prenatal and postnatal care among the Kasepuhan Ciptarasa community involve the meanings pregnancy, and birth critical periods following them. This means that pregnancy and birth are considered not only as bilogical and psychological facts, but also as social act which is given cultural meaning. A set of socio-cultural rules are designated in order to keep mothers, families and the community in their right positions during the critical periods. They are also functionally interrelated with belief system, social organization, ecological systems, etc.
Finally, the author concludes that their medical system is considered not only as a result of their social structure, but also as an effort to maintain it. This means that the systems fulfills the needs of individuals and those of the community as well --biological, psychological and socio-cultural needs.
Aktivitas Malik Jarami di Desa Sirnarasa Sukabumi.
Yogaswara, Herry.
This Thesis tries to explain local agricultural system carried out by Kasepuhan Ciptarasa Community which is located in Desa Sirnarasa, Cisolok sub-distric, a regency of Sukabumi, Province of West Java.
This system is something "unique". It means that it is different with one carried out by other community exist in them live. This difference concerns about plantation pattern once in a year a doesn’t permit to do malik jarami, or rice-field plantation pattern twice a year. Furthermore, this systems is close related eith other sub-culture in society, i.e. with political system (local leadership, is regarded as controversy with agricultural order holds for Kasepuhan society. Therefore there is a reaction to refuse this program among them.
This rejection merely is not reluctancy the community to the goverment program, but it is the way where they make adaptation to the ecological, economical and social-cultural conditions living in society. Therefore, to be able to understand, Anthropological study could give a way out yo solve this problem by trying to understand it through social perpection (emic view), so that the reasons why society refuse such a program could be understood.
Nashrullah, Hikmat.
The aim of the study is to describe the community response in agriculture innovation of new high yield paddy variety. The object of the study is the Kasepuhan Ciptarasa community which are residing in Sirnarasa village, Cisolok district, Sukabumi regency, West Java. They still live traditionally and follow their ‘Adat’ or traditional customs. They have a belief system, particularly on Paddy Plant which has sacred value, treated like a person, and believed to be an essence of Goddess (Dewi Sri).
The study employs a descriptive approach and the data characteristics are qualitative and quantitative. The data were collected based on participatory and non participatory observations, survey using questionaires subjected to householders head as respondents which were randomly selected, depth interview with some key informants using guide interview and literature studies to collect secondary data.
The result of this research have shown that is so many response came out, fifty percent respondents response not to continue the innovation and some others accept the innovation. The infulencial factor of many response of the people is influenced by the leadership.
Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun : Studi
Tentang Konflik dalam Pengelolaan Kawasan, di Desa Sirnarasa, Kecamatan
Cisolok, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat.
Harimurti, Hario.
The aim of te study is to describe confilcts between the communities and the goverment in the management of the southern part of Mount Halimun National Park area. The common conflicts found in that particular area are related to land squating and ilegal utilization of forest product. The objects of the study are the communities of "kasepuhan" and "non-kasepuhan" which reside in Kampoong Ciptarasa and Kampoong Cisarua, respectively. Both Kampoongs are located in Sirnarasa Village, Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province.
This study employs a descriptive approach and the data characteristics are qualitative and quantitative. The data were collected based on participatory and non participatory observations, survey using questionares subjected to housholders head as respondents which were randomly selected, depth interview with some key informants using guide interview and literature studies to collect secondary data.
The study indicates thet the conflicts are initially caused by differences in management perception and interest of both the two communities and the goverment in managing the forest area. The differences are traced back to the govermental policies and implementations of land use and zoning system including border management, the lack of law enforcement, and the cultural condition of the respective community in contenting or viewing land status and land ownership system including land fragmentation, and the geographical condition of the two communities which are located near the forest.
Studi mengenai fungsi pranata lumbung padi komunal
pada komunitas Kasepuhan Ciptarasa di Desa Sirnarasa,
Kec. Cisolok, Kabupaten Sukabumi .
Kalangie, Budi Bakti
The study employs analytic descriptive approach and the data were collected qualitatively and quantitatively. The data were gained based on partipatory and non participatory observations and through interview by using questionares subjected to the head of the houshold as respondents which were randomly selected, through depth interview with some key informants by using guide interview. Literature studies were conducted in order collect secondary data.
The result of the study show that the leuit kasatuan institution of Kasepuhan Ciptarasa able to survive due to its relationship with religiuos, political, and economical institusions and matched with the values and norms of Kasepuhan Ciptarasa community. Its relation with religious institution can be seen in how the people oh the Kasepuhan Ciptarasa perceive their traditional leader (sesepuh girang) s the beholder of karuhanian (the ancestor’s heritage) and mediator between the realworld and the supra natural world. Its relation with political institution can be seen in how the sesepuh girang in his position as the traditional leader has the right to organize the leuit kasatuan. Its relation with the economical institution can be seen in how the people of the Kasepuhan Ciptarasa just plant paddy once a year and how they distribute and redistributetheir paddy’s. According to those realtionship, the leuit kasatuan institution has several functions such as communal food stock, confirming the solidarity of the community, to support and strengthen the power and authority of sesepuh girang, and supporting the element of the traditional belief system. Those function support each other and make the cultural system as a whole being able to run properly.