poesis: the dawn of a new poetic awakening

provoking thought through words since the turn of the millenium


"Writing is the supreme solace."
~Somerset Maugham~


our birth
Our Bios we
our words
our voice
Events Calendar events
Projects: past, present & future past&future
Brand Spankin....

June 20th, 2000
Photos posted from our "Broken Rhythms, Broken Rhymes" poetry reading (under the past&future section).

June 9th, 2000
Welcome to the site of posis (formerly poetic15), a creative writing group that rises from the ashes of a writing course at the University of Toronto. Poesis now breeds knowledge in the heart of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We are taking tentative steps to making our presence on the net known - so tell a friend and spread the good news of our arrival!

  What we're doing this month...

Saturday June 24th, 2000 (5:30pm)
Fruitloops Youth Cabaret
Alexander Street Parkette and Buddies In Bad Times Theatre [one block south of Yonge & Wellesley] 416-975-8555

>>Witness two members of poesis, Christopher Brown and Terence G0, take to the stage to perform some spoken word. Free.

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 (8pm)
Poetic Licence Reading Series
Free Times Café, 320 College Street [just west of Spadina] 416-967-1078

>> Uncritical Mass and
Sandra Alland with musical guest Suzanne de Bussac. By donation.

Thank you for visiting poesis. We welcome your comments and suggestions: please email the webmaster with any you may have. Updated June 2000. You are visiter #

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