Goddesses A-F
ACHLYS: Greek. The mother that gave birth to Chaos.
ADISHAKTI: Hindu. Goddess of feminine energy.
ADITI: Hindu. Mother of the Earth and Gods. Goddess of the sky, Earth, the past and the future.
ADSULLATA: Celtic. Goddess of springs.
AERFEN/ AER: British. Goddess of revenge and war.
AESTAS: Roman. Goddess of summer.
AGNAYI: Hindu. Goddess of fire.
AHURANI, THE: Persian. Goddesses of all the waters on Earth.
AINE of KNOCKAINE: Ireland. Moon Goddess and patroness of crops and cattle. Associated with the Summer Solstice.
AIRMID: Ireland. Healing.
AKARU-HIME: Japanese. Protectress of sailors.
AKIBIMI: Japanese. Goddess of Autumn.
AKKA/MAA-EMOINEN: Finnish-Ugrian. Earth Mother Goddess of the harvest and female sexuality.
AKNA: Yucatan. Goddess of birth.
ALAGHOM NAUM, ISTAT IX: Mayan. Creatress of mind and thought.
ALLAT/ALILAT/ELLAT: Persian. Moon and Underworld Goddess.
ALPHITO/ALBINA: Greek barley goddess. Perhaps the same as DANAE.
ALTHAEA: Greek. Goddess of birth.
AMALTHEA: Cretan goat goddess.
AMA NO UZUME: Japan. Goddess of fertility and good crops.
AMARI DE/DE DELEVSKI: Romany. Great Mother and nature personified.
AMATERASU: Japan. Sun Goddess. Goddess of warmth, fertility, harvest, love, wisdom, peace, light, compassion, goodness.
AMATHAUNTA: Greek sea goddess.
AMAUNET: Egyptian Goddess of Heaven. Sometimes called the wife of AMEN.
AMENTI/AMENT: Egyptian Goddess of the Underworld. Consort of AMEN. She greated the dead into the Underworld with bread and water. If they ate or drank they could not return to the land of the living. Her emblems are the hawk and the feather.
ANAGKE: Greek goddess of Destiny.
ANAHIT: Slavonic-Russian. Goddess of fertility and wisdom.
ANAHITA: Persian. River goddess and patroness of marriageable girls and childbirth.
ANAT: Canaanite goddess of love, fertility, war, revenge, conflict, overcoming obstacles, fearlessness.
ANDRASTE: Britain. War and nature goddess. Divination, plans when under attack by whatever method.
ANGERONA: Roman. Perhaps was a goddess of silence because she was always depicted with a finger held up to her sealed mouth.
ANNAPURNA: Hindu. Goddess who provides food.
ANRITA: Hindu. Goddess of fraud.
ANU/ANANN/DANA: Ireland. Maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess in Ireland. Guardian of health and cattle. Goddess of plenty, fertility, prosperity, comfort, health.
ANUKET: Egyptian.
ANUMATI: Hindu. Goddess of the waning moon.
APHITRITE: Greek sea goddess and wife of POSEIDON.
APHRODITE: Greek (in Rome known as VENUS. Goddess of sexual love, beauty, passion, fertility, renewal, continued creation.
APONIBOLINAYEN: Philippines. Goddess that supports the heavens by a vine wrapped around her waist.
APU: Early Babylonian. Creator goddess.
ARACHNE: Greek Spider Goddess.
ARADIA: Italian Witch Goddess. Daughter of DIANA.
ARAMATI: Hindu. Goddess of devotion and piety.
ARANI: Hindu. Her symbol is the swastika or the fire wheel. Goddess of fire and female sexual fire.
ARA-SESHAP: Early Egyptian. Goddess of light.
ARDHANARISHWAR: South India. Ancient hermaphrodite diety.
ARIANRHOD: Welsh. Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess in Wales. Honored at the full moon. Goddess of beauty, fertility, reincarnation.
ARTEMIS: Greek Nature and Moon Goddess (in Rome known as DIANA). Goddess of cihldbirth, fertility, magick, sorcery, enchantment, purification, psychic powers, meantal healing, dance, wild animals, herbs and forests. Protectress of youth, especially young girls.
ARTIO: Early Celtic. Mother goddess of plenty.
ASASE YAA: West Africa. Birth and dying.
ASGAYA-GIGAGEI: American Indian. Bisexual thunder god/goddess.
ASRI: Hindu. Goddess of misfortune.
ASTARTE/ATHTARAT: Canaanite version of ISHTAR; fertility Goddess.
ASTRAEA: Greek. Goddess of purity and justice.
ATAENTSIC: Iroquois/ Huron. Goddess of marriage, feminine crafts, childbirth. Made the sun and the moon.
ATALANTA: Greek. Nature and hunting goddess.
ATANEA/ATANUA: Mircronesia. Goddess of the dawn. The sea was created by her amnionic fluid.
ATARYATIS DERKETO: Babylonian. Fish goddess.
ATE: Greek. Goddess of irresponsibility and trouble.
ATERGATIS: Syrian. Goddess of fertility, wisdom and destiny, oracles, prophecy.
ATHENE, ATHENA: Greek (in Rome known as MINERVA). A warrior Goddess but also a goddess of the art of peace and intelligence. Protectress of towns, architects, spinners, weavers, sculptors, writing, music, the sciences, potters, wisdom, true justice, renewal, battle strategy, peace.
AUCHIMALGEN: Chile. Moon Goddess. Protectress against evil spirits and disasters.
AUDHUMLA: Nordic-Germanic. Mother Earth. Cow Goddess. Motherhood, home crafte, child rearing.
AUNT PIETY: Chinese. Goddess of the magickal arts.
AYIZAN: Haitian. Protects against malecolent magick.
AZ: Persian. Goddess of greed and lust.
- Phoenician general name for a goddess.
- Phoenician. Mother of the gods.
- Slavic. Hag. Goddess of evil, dark magick, death.
- Columbia. Water goddess and protectress of vegetation and harvests.
- Ireland. Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess in Ireland. Goddess of war,life, wisdom, inspiration, enlightenment. Associated with crows, cauldrons, and ravens.
- Irish. One of the Queens of the Tuatha De Danann, daughters of the Dagda.
- Egyptian cat Goddess. Mother of all cats. Goddess of fire, the Moon, fertility, childbirth, benevolence, pleasure, sexual rites, jokes, joy, warmth, all animals, intuition, music, cosmetics, and female adornments. Protection against evil spirits and contagious diseases.
- Scottish and Irish. Said to be the spirit of a woman who died during childbirth. She is fated to wash the blood out of clothes in streams of people that are about to die until the day she would have died normally.
- Italian. Witch-fairy who flies her broomstick and comes down the chimney to bring presents to children.
- Japan. Goddess of good luck, protection from earthquakes, bringer of inspiration and talent, wealth and romance.
- Australia. Dun Goddess.
- Micronesia. Goddess who created the Earth. Sometimes takes the form of a spider.
- Wales. The Maiden form of the Triple Goddess. Goddess of flowers, lunar mysteries, initiations, wisdom. Her symbol is the owl.
- Wales. Goddess of love and beauty.
- Irish Goddess of inspiration,fertility, feminine arts and crafts, martial arts, healing, learning, poetry, divination, prophecy, love, witchcraft, and occult knowledge. Associated with Imbolc.
- Irish. Great Goddess in her destroying aspect. Goddess of disease, cursing, and plague.
- Wales. Goddess of death, fertility, inspiration, regeneration, rebirth, the Moon, astrology, herbs, science, poetry, spells, knowledge.
- Aztec. Goddess of youthful beauty, storms, whirlpools, love, flowers, spirits, streams, spring growth.
- China. Goddess of the Moon.
- Aztec. Goddess of fire, home, fertility, wealth, precious stones found in the earth. She symbolizes pleasure and pain together.
- Incas. Goddess who cared for girls, flowers, and princesses.
- Aztec. Maize Goddess.
- China. Goddess of spinners, weavers, handcrafts, clouds, rain.
- China. Goddess of the bedroom and sexual delights.
- Aztec. Goddess of childbirth.
- Aztec. Earth Goddess. Goddess of life, famine, and earthquakes.
- Aztec. Moon Goddess.
- Wales. Goddess of summer, love and flowers.
- One aspect of the Triple Goddess. She represents old age, death, winter, the waning Moon, post-menstrual phases of women's lives. Associated with crows and black creatures.
- pre-Greek. Barley goddess of Argos.
- Ireland. Probably the same as ANU. She gave her name to the Tuatha De Dannan (people of the Goddess Danu). Patrones of wizards, rivers, prosperity, magick, wisdom, and wells. Moon Goddess and Mother Goddess.
- Philippines. Volcano goddess.
- Greek Goddess of the fruitful Earth. Daughter of Cronus and RHEA.
- India. Female energy or "Shakti". Consort of SHIVA. The most powerful of the Goddesses.
- Roman version of ARTEMIS the Greek Moon and Nature Goddess.
- Slavonic-Russian. Goddess of the hunt, hounds, horses, forests, success, wild animals, victory.
- "Queen of the Druids". Fir Goddess. Fertility, sexual activities, passion, creativity, trees, knowledge, protection.
- An aspect of JAGANMATRI. Similar to the Celtic MORRIGU. Goddess of death, futility, destruction, ruin, comfort, power, help, protection, defense, nuturing.
- Slavonic-Russian. Goddess of love, fertility, marriage.
- Australia. Creator goddess. Said to live in the ocean and take the form of a snake.
- Teutonic Goddess.
- Britian, Gaul. Goddess of horses and Mother Goddess. Fertillity, maternity, protectress of horses, horse-breeding, dogs, prosperity, crops.
- Greek Goddess of Discord.
- Navajo. Goddess of transformation, immortality. A shape-shifter.
- Roman Goddess of the Earth and feilds.
- China. Goddess of winds, storms, moisture.
- Ireland. Goddess of woodlands, forests and wild things.
- Teutonic. Goddess of love, beauty, animals, cats, horses, sex, childbirth, fire, enchanments, witchcraft, gold, wealth, jewelry, magick, foresight, luck, protection, wisdom, trance, long life, fertility, the Moon, the sea, death, music, flowers, poetry, writing. Associated with the number thirteen, Friday, and cats.
- Nordic-Germanic. Queen of the Goddesses. Goddess of independence, cunning, cleverness, childbirth, physical love, marriage, children, fertility, destiny, magick, enchantments, wisdom, foresight.
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