a little Halloween story told in thirteen parts:


by jordan

Chapter One
An Introduction to the Witch

Chapter Two
The Curse

Chapter Three
On Halloween Day

Chapter Four

Chapter Five
The Change

Chapter Six
The Gift

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight
Ghost Story

Chapter Nine
The Call

Chapter Ten
Not Everything Dies

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve
On Halloween Night

Chapter Thirteen
Through the Fire

Here were the conditions of the bet:

1. The story had to include a witch, a ghost, a goblin (troll), a jack o' lantern, a full moon, children being scared, pumpkins, a monster, the aliens, cellphones, CSM, Skinner, Spender, Fowley, Mulder and Scully, the Gunmen 3, and at least one character that would be recognizable as someone we know (justin). And one explosion of any kind, so long as it went boom.

2. The story could not be prewritten but could only be done one chapter at a time between midnight of one day and midnight of the next, and it had to be posted BEFORE midnight each day.

3. It had to be written in 13 consecutive days leading to Halloween.
(I sorta blew this, because it was supposed to begin on the nineteenth and end the day before Halloween, then get all the parts posted on Halloween Day.)

4. It had to explain the oileans, and it had to explain the fire and ice themes on the X-Files in some logical way.

5. Mulder and Scully had to have sex.

6. There had to be a happy ever after ending--But HA HA--you never said it had to be for Mulder and Scully!