Judean Christianity

Christianity for the Church Dropout and
for Those Seeking a New Understanding for their faith

A Search for New Christian Meaning in the Post-Modern Age

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"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." -- Gospel -- John 13:35

If the part of the dough offered as first fruits is holy, then the whole batch is holy; and if the root is holy, then the branches also are holy. But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, a wild olive shoot, were grafted in their place to share the rich root of the olive tree, do not boast over the branches. If you do boast, remember that it is not you that support the root, but the root that supports you. -- Paul, speaking of the relationship of Christianity to Judaism, Romans 11:16-19

There are ten strong things in the world, say the Rabbis: rock is strong but iron cleaves it; fire melts iron; water extinguishes fire; the clouds bear aloft the water; the wind drives away the clouds; man withstands the wind; fear unmans man; wine dispels fear; sleep overcomes wine; and death sweeps away even sleep. But strongest of all is lovingkindness, for it defies and survives death. -- Rabbinic Saying

Meditative Reflections

Power of Love

Creation Out of Chaos: A Meditation for the Time of Crisis in Our Lives

The Problems of Faith

Conflicts of a Pre-Modern Faith in a Post-Modern World (Under construction)

Problems with Fundamentalism / Literalism (Under construction)

Problems with Liberal Christianity (Under construction)

The Promise -- Reclaiming a Jewish Understanding of the Gospels

The Sermon on the Mount - Understood as a Jewish Sermon

Comparison of Synoptic Gospels with Jewish Holidays and the Readings from the Torah

The Hellenistic Captivity of the Jewish Gospels(Under construction)

The Incompatibility of the Nativity Traditions (Under construction)

The Meaning of the Midrashic Interpretation of the Gospels (Under construction)

Incompatibility of the Resurrection Narratives (Under construction)

Midrashic Interpretation of The Resurrection (Under construction)

Miscellaneous Theological Musings

Forgiveness: A Process to be Engaged not a Decision to be Made

Toward A New Definition of Satan

Recovery Writings

Of Rats and Relationships: Or Why Good People Stay in Bad Relationships

The Twelve Steps for Adult Children (Under construction)

The Lord's Prayer and Recovery (Under construction)

For books and tapes to help you in your spiritual quest visit the following web sites. Press on arrow to change search criteria to Keyword, Title or Author, then type in the search words. I recommend using the Author's name for a complete lists of an author's works:

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Christianity for the Third Millennium