You Might Be a College Student If...

- - you bring home a doggie bag from Taco Bell.

- - a peanut butter and jelly burrito is considered a valid nutritious breakfast.

- - you're always there if the words "free food" are mentioned.

- - hitchhiking across America sounds like an "educational experience" (or at least that's what you tell your Mom).

- - a "rich date" is someone who takes you to the real movies, not just the free ones shown on campus.

- - you know (and employ) more ways to waste time than there are dollars in your bank account.

- - you know more about TV shows than about your assignments.

- - you go trick-or-treating for next week's breakfast.

- - you drag clothes out of your hamper to wear (on a regular basis).

- - you rewrite all the cliches and songs you know because you discover that they fit your dormroom life (or lack thereof).

- - you can think of at least 4 different ways to wear your underwear to avoid having to do laundry.

- - you think you're rich if you've got a positive checking balance

- - other people drive your car more than you do

- - you can fall alseep ANY time, ANY where

- - you make change for a quarter when you need to make a phone call

- - you have week-old pizza in your refrigerator and you contemplate eating it

- - you'd rather eat off a piece of paper than wash your dirty dishes

- - you have a pile of dirty clothes, a pile of once-used but not quite dirty clothes, and a pile of clothes used more than once but that you could use a couple more times without smelling too bad.......

- - you eat cereal for every meal because you can't identify anything else edible in the cafeteria

- - you do laundry at 3 am because if you don't finish it, you'll have to go to class naked the next day

- - you get more sleep in your classes than you do on weekends

- - you dream about a home cooked meal that isn't prepared by "just adding water" and microwaving for 3 minutes

- - you consider 4 a.m. a reasonable bedtime.

- - you watch soap operas and talk shows to see normal people

- - you are constantly hunting for quarters to do the five loads of laundry that you needed to do yesterday

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