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What?Index Top
I didn't hear you.
Speak more slowly, please.
I don't understand.
Do you understand?
Now I understand.
Ah, I see.
Who Cares?Index Top
So what?
Who cares?
Are you serious?
Go on!
You don't say!
I don't believe it!
It can't be!
Got it!
It's all the same to me.
No Way!Index Top
No way! Not a chance!
Don't even mention it!
Don't even dream of it!
Absolutely not!
Of course not.
You're mistaken.
That's not true.
I disagree.
That's impossible!
That's a lie!
That's RididulousIndex Top
That's ridiculous!
Oh, go on!
Of course!
Of course!
Of course!
As you wish. (Whatever.)
That's it!
You've got it!
That's right.
I believe it!
What Can I Do For You?Index Top
I want a seat beside the window.
What can I do for you?
I would like a box of cookies.
Would you like anthing else?
Yes, I also need a bottle of mineral water.
That's all, thank you.
Go to the cashier, please.
How much is it?
Can I pay with traveler's checks?
Do you have change?
Here is your change.
Sympathy and CongratulationsIndex Top
My deepest sympathy.
May they rest in peace.
What a tragedy!
Much happiness!
Happy birthday!
Cheers! ; Gesundheit!
Yes, of Course!Index Top
Yes, of course!
I'd love to!
I would like to very much!
I'm sorry, but I'm busy.
Thank you, but I have to study.
See you!
See you then!