Firesilk's Book of Shadows
a gold and a silver candle
a wreath of dried flowers and cinnamon sticks
Incense and burner (the incense should be pine, cedar, or bayberry
Ritual Tools
A Yule Log and/or a Yule tree
Consecrate a circle and call the quarters.
Recite the following Prayer:
Awaiting the return of Light
The Horned God rules the cold and night
We burn the Yule log to banish the snow
We honor the Tree that through winter grows
We call the Sun. Return
We call the Sun. Return
We call the Sun. Return
Together in joy we come
The Time of the Dark is now undone
Our thanks to Isis we raise
Osiris reborn we praise.
Close the Circle. Trade gifts with friends and loved ones and feast.
This page last modified 9/23/98