Moira's Diary>

Chapter 13 (6 July 2001 CE*)

Armand, Moira and Juliette are in the pillared hall of Queen Xiombarg, who says she is our long lost mother Cymnea. Armand is still hostile towards her and the demons in her hall. He has both his swords out and there appears to be a standoff about to ensue when his eyes unfocus and he seems to be getting a trump contact - he brings Michaela through (still naked) . She takes one of Armand's swords (he lets her) and he brings out a dagger. Armand and Mother exchange hostile words again, Armand wanting to know why she didn't come looking for us or get in contact with us for all these millennia. She says that she was forbidden to by edict of Swayvill - he forbade all in his realm to have contact with Dworkin and his ilk. I talk of how we were also forbidden to find her, on pain of her death, and of the woman who replaced her in Oberon's affection, Faiella, who was herself long passed over. She talks of how Oberon could not understand anything but monogamy. I try to calm Mother and Armand, to heal the rift that Armand is causing by his obstreperousness. I say to Mother aside that if I could have some time to speak with Armand I might be able to try to convince him to come around. She embraces me and I see a solitary tear glint in her eye. Armand and Cymnea exchange more words and Cymnea goes off in a huff through the miasma, taking her demons with her. We are left alone. Armand asks who of us has Trumps - only Michaela (who is still naked so where was she hiding them ?). They don't work anyway. Armand goes off into the mist. I call out to him but he doesn't reply. I walk after him into the mist.

I come out into a hellish cavern of fire and brimstone, people suffering etc., and no sign of Armand. The floor is squishy - made of living people who cry out for release and mercy. I ask them if anyone has come through here - they say no. I turn around 180o and head back the way I came.

I come to another cavern with a floor made of living people. This room contains a very beautiful man on a divan, having passionate sex with a woman and a man. I ask the beautiful man if anyone else has come this way. He says no. I ask him the way back to Queen Xiombarg's pillared hall - he looks concerned and afriad; he asks me to stay and join them but I decline & head in the direction he indicates. I return to the pillared hall. A griffon is there and then Armand arrives back. Armand tells the griffon to tap its beak three times on the ground if it is Michaela. The creature looks at Armand and a message seems to pass between them. Discussion between Armand and Moira, trying to persuade Armand that he should not show such overt hostility towards Mother - he may need to play a waiting game to gain more of an advantage. We are at a disadvantage and may need all the allies we can get here. Mother returns. We talk some more. Armand is just as contrary. Mother leaves us again. We're there for 30-40 years. We encounter the creatures in neighbouring caverns (cows, women and humanoids that form the floor). I study in the library, practice using my new powers in secret.

After 40 years, the Queen of Swords returns and sits down. She asks if we are ready yet. There is more byplay. We follow her to the King along a stone skyway through a void, obsidian stairs, obsidian dais on which sits an elderly man with a staff. She says we should show reverence to King Slorta, who was once known as Swayvill, who was brother to Oberon. I bow.
* Note: CE = Chronology of Earth