Tales of the Bitter Children On January 19, 2001, a group of friends came together to explore the world of Roger Zelazny's Amber universe. Taking the parts of children of Oberon of Amber, through the medium of the Amber Diceless Roleplaying System designed by Erick Wujcik (© Phage Press), our characters (Papilia, Michaela, Moira, Calamar, Erwin, Helgrimm and Armand) fought, loved, schemed and played in Amber, Shadow and the Courts of Chaos. . It was a great campaign, which perhaps we may one day be able to return to. My thanks to my co-conspirators Jayne, Jen, Mark, Sean H, Damon and Frank for great 'sibling' rivalry and interaction, and not least to David, whose devious and passionate mind spun the essence of our story. Note: Rather than having to keep on referring to it just as "David's Amber Campaign", I've taken the liberty of referring to it for myself as the Tales of the Bitter Children, after the trials and tribulations of the progeny of Oberon, whose characters we played. |