Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Cheesecake *

aka: Alex's big bad (well, not small, not good) non-deutsch, non-american homen pagen

* nb: Poutine an acceptable substitute.

Jump me straight to the bit with options

But allo. Vilkomen to mein humble little page here. believe it or don't, this page is still undergoing continuous low level construction
(this may be the ONLY thing it has in common with the Gardiner Express Way).

Alright, lets face facts, construction has entirely stalled. This page is as it is. It is complete. Sorta kinda. Oh quite whining, you've not even made it through the first tenth of the index page yet.

Indeed, right now, the proverbial ground has been broken, the proverbial workers have descended upon (and successfuly milled about) the scene, and have summarily placed themselves on a proverbially semi-permanent lunch break. Non-proverbially speaking, nothing continues to happen on an alarmingly regular basis. One must have patience.

Actually, I would just like to add, that i'm really rather proud that this page has been hit times since whenever it was that I last reset the little counter. This puts me in the somewhat unusual postion of thanking all the people who took the time to hit me. It becomes even more bizarre when one realizes that I am probably the primary culprit in the making of this rather dubious achievement.

If you have anything intelligent, interesting, or (at the very least) made of words to say, then feel free to:

  • mail me,
  • mail my brother,
  • mail someone else completely at random.

    The only other thing I'll say here is that if anyone has any deadly important links I've somehow missed, or clever HTML hints, (actually, given my level of sophistication, i could even use dumdum hints) one would appreciate this muchly.


  • What do you give the person who has everything? I don't have a clue either, but I do know what to give people who have done this whole page. Clearly the only good answer is "a guestbook to sign." For those hopeless overachievers who have even done that, one can supply everyone else's comments to read. *Or*, for the really sophisticated of you out there, the last resort is a collection of critical reviews carefully assembled by a team of horribly unqualified experts for your viewing pleasure.
    There you go. Call me a genius, call me a fountain of wisdom, call me what you will (I personally draw the line at interstitial foot-hair remover, to be honest).

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    To sign off, I include a small disclaimer, and more importantly, the immortal words of Appu (of "The Simpsons" fame):

    "Thankyou comeAgain."

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