Funky Quotes

My collection of lil gems

As one blunders through life, every so often one sees something and thinks "I should have said that," or "wasn't that terrifically clever," or even "well holy cow, paint me pink and call me an aardvark." In any event, no matter what your taste in chromatic zoology, this little bit here is devoted to all those little clever things that *I* have quite liked. Well, any of them that I remembered at the right time, anyway.

-If God made man in his own image, then man has returned the favour.

-If I have seen further, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants.
     ->Isaac Newton (of Galileo and Kepler)

-It's gonna HURT in the morning.
     ->Local barkeeper regarding a serenely slumbering friend of mine

-They just hung there in the air, in exactly the same way that bricks don't.
     ->Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy

Please note: As my little homage to the Hotblack Desiato and the Guide, I made a Disaster Area fan page - although I suspect that only your more hard core Guide fans will really appreciate the black writing on a black background, with black links that light up black to show that you've pressed them.

-I'm a proffesional cynic, but my heart's not in it.
     ->Blur, Country house

-If fashion is your trade, then when you're naked, I guess you must be unemployed...
     ->Pulp, Underwear

-All models are wrong, but some are useful.
     ->G. E. P. Box (and he's talking about science you idiot, not fashion)

-The further one gets from politics, the more people seem to like you.
     ->Bob Rae (former Premier of Ontario)

-A funky quote about our hidden biases.
     ->David G. Myers

-Time is an illusion, lunch time doubly so.
-You should send that in to The Readers Digest, they have a page for people like you.
     ->Douglas Adams, HTGTTG

-a nice little quote about geography and science.
     ->Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay (p. 12)

-You're dead for a real long time, you just can't prevent it. So if money can't buy happiness, I guess I'll have to rent it.

     ->Weird Al Yankovic, This is The Life

-If God exists, let's just hope he has a plan B.
     ->Tagline (traditional)

-Change is innevitable, except from vending machines.
     ->Tagline (traditional)

-What, 50,000 of you, and no-one brought a sandwhich?
     ->Jesus unto the multitudes

This product saddistically tested on Gerbils

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