Hi! I'm Mediocre Thought.

This web page is dedicated to the improvement of educational standards in the local school systems. And other areas cheating intelligent children out of a proper education. I am greatly disappointed in the less than adequate education that the schools tried to shove down my throat. I will be posting personal essays, feelings, and other documents here. Along with those of certain local teachers and students with similar feelings. I will also post any "viewer" responses I receive in the e-mail. If anyone wants to write about their own personal feelings toward school, I'd be happy to put them in the Submissions Section. I want to make every one happy so I'll post writings supporting school, bashing school, complaining about how school is run, anything. (As long as it has some relevance to school.)

The local school system seems to be based upon destroying all independent thought, and eliminating all forms of individuality. All creativity is shunned. In the local school system they want mindless do nothing, ask no questions robots. Now I ask you: Is that any way to treat America's future? Why is the Lower Rio Grande River Valley so behind the rest of the world in it's expectations for it's youth? Are we trying to progress or regress?

Thanks for listening, more to come later.

There is a chat room available for expressing your opinions on educational standards or lack there of. It's Java based, and I won't be in it unless you e-mail me with a time to meet you.

As you can see, we're working really hard on this site.
(Juss like whee lurn'd in skool.)

Some Mediocre Thoughts

All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education. -- Sir Walter Scott

The greater the artist, the greater the doubt; perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize. -- Robert Huges

Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment. -- Robert Benchley

There is nothing lost by discarding your faults. -- Sophia Bedford-Pierce

Intelligence is like underwear. We should all have it but we shouldn't show it off. -- Quoted by James Dent

Links to what will be here...eventually...I hope. But not all of them work yet...so don't make a fool of yourself trying the ones that look like used links. (unless you've visited them and they are used links...)

Personal Essays and General Feelings(about school)

Viewer Responses

Submissions(Other peoples feelings about school.)

Newspaper Articles (and Letters to the Editor I've collected)

Everything Else(Personal feelings, essays, and maybe personal analyzation of stuff.)

Links(Education Links)

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