Welcome to Zafom's Homepage
Hi! This is my first homepage.

Welcome! I'll tell a bit about myself and interests. My background is architecture. I am working with a university right now. My interests are philosophy, sociology, architecture, silat and the net.
Ethos-Malaysian Cyber forum

- A superb site on Silat, Malay art of self-defence

Below are some of the articles I wrote in my free time. Some of them I wrote in Ethos, the cyber forum above. They are generally my opinion and ideas on various issues :

The Gravity Factor
- An Article I wrote on Architecture

Rennaissance and caveman
- On consumerism

Colonialism is alive and well
- On economy

Sentimental thinking revisited - On alternative worldview

Thoughts and actions - On the lack of the former in Malaysia

I like to meet new people in the Yahoo!Messenger

My Yahoo ID is "zafom"

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