Deep in the Forest

You sense Grayewolfe's presence before you actually see her. The glade is bathed in moonlight, and you see coming towards you on noiseless paws, a large silver-gray wolf. Apart from its size, you see nothing that makes it any different from an ordinary wolf. You wonder why the old shaman sent you here ... until the wolf lifts her head and you see luminous silver eyes which betray an intelligence and wisdom that you have never seen before.

The shape of the wolf shimmers and blurs, and you blink your eyes. When you open them again, in front of you stands a young woman. She wears a thin, white dress and seems to be oblivious to the cool wind. The moonlight shining down forms a silvery halo on her blue-black hair. "What are you doing here? How did you get here? Where is Grayewolfe?" you ask in surprise. She walks to you and you give a start of recognition as the wolf's silver eyes look back at you. Her curious eyes sparkle with good humour at your astonishment, and you cannot resist an answering grin.

But you had come to the forest for advice and you doubt this young woman would be capable of giving it to you, and you open your mouth to say good bye. She shakes her head and says good-naturedly, "You city-dwellers are all alike. You think that only technology and money are important, and neglect the magic of nature and youth. You seek help, and I will give it to you." Her voice is low-pitched, but strangely musical, reminding you of wind chimes in a gentle breeze.

You start to decline but her eyes beckon you. They are the same luminous silver of the moon reflected off the sea at night, with the same subtle lights and the same feeling of controlled power. You shake your head, surprised at its depths and feel your protests fade like mist in the morning. Somehow, you know that this enigmatic young woman would give you the answers that you need, and you follow her into the darkness of the forest.


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