Wiccan/Satanists/Losers !!!
Halloween 365 nights a year. That's a lot of M&M's and tooth
decay! [And I thought walking my little ones around the block
once a year was bad enough.] Trick or Treat/365? That's poor
theology but a fairly accurate I.Q. Test.
Isn't this the bunch that practices making curses in front of
a mirror? "Shazzammm!!!...!!!mmmazzahS"
If the Oracles of Shinola want to be taken seriously, why do
they invent a 'religion' that makes a 'goddess' out of "The
Shopping Lady?"
At least get trendy: Switch from the pointy-head costume to
The Power Rangers!!! YEA!!!
NCC and government "recognition" has about as much credibility
as a Restaurant Guide that lists an eatery called, "Soup, Salad,
and Alpo."