Henry Martin's Homepage


Welcome to my homepage. Here I will share some of my interests with you, complete with links to those of more-or-less the same mind as me. If you find nothing of interest here, or just want to use a good search engine, then click below:

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I will try to update this site with new pictures and links as time goes by. To begin with, check out these pictures I have gathered from different sources.


(For your viewing pleasure)

Eagle   Water fall   Solar flare   Autumn 

 Send me some of your favorite "public domain" pictures (I will not be responsible for copyrighted materials).

Click here for My Favorite Links

There you will find:

  1. Reagan Information Interchange
  2. Black Avenger Cave
  3. Various Sites of Personal Interest.

Click Here for Amazing Facts On My Creationist Page.  

Click Here for My Guesses and Speculations On My Prophetic Possibilites Page.

Check out the Bible Code Phenonomen!! Bible Codes decoded.
        Go Directly to the Y2K Codes.

Send me Mail!


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