Welcome to Half-Elf Enterprises.


Welcome. You have stumbled upon my haven in the web. This is a place for relaxation and thought. I hope to include some of my stories and other writings.

So you're wondering, who does this page belong to? Well the answer is Randy Brown, a sophomore at Bowling Green State University. So you ask yourself, who is this guy and why does he think he is worthy of space on the web? All I can offer are some interesting writings (to be added soon), and that is all...Please, read, relax, and enjoy. Perhaps you'd like a cup of tea while your reading, and maybe some classical music in the background? (I recomend Ravel or Holst) Please send me feedback, both positive and negative. I know every web page in existance says that, but I actually desire it.



My thoughts on Star Trek: First Contact

An essay on Star Trek

Need some good music to listen to while you read? Flute music from the episode "The Inner Light". Very moving.

Now that you've read about First Contact, listen to its beautiful music.

Theme from Star Trek

Theme from Star Trek:The Next Generation

Theme from Star Trek:Deep Space Nine

Theme from Star Trek:Voyager


Click here for my Hero Quest page. Don't know what Hero Quest is? Click to find out!

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.

This is my roomate Neil's page. Check it out.

This is where I go to school.

Need to find something? This is a great search engine.
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All writings property of Randy Brown, Half-Elf Enterprises. Star Trek and all related items property of Paramount Pictures. No infringement is intended.