Quincy Community Schools Instrumental Music Department

I am a High School Band director in a small southern Michigan town. I believe in the value of an arts education in our public schools. I hold firm to the philosophy that one cannot understand music as a part, unless they are able to first understand the arts as a whole and secondly, one cannot understand that which they have not experienced and one cannot experience that which they have not been exposed to. Therefore I deligently strive to provide my students with an understanding of the aesthetics of art based upon their experience and exposure.

The format of this home page is to provide information, some opinions, and a few curious questions in which my readers may submit their personal, educated, and highly intellectual opinions(no sarcasm or rudeness, please). I welcome your information at my e-mail address below. Many topics of discussion will include....music education, band music, aesthetics, art form, conducting, performance, religion, dramatic arts etc.

Thank you for your interest and participation.

Director Sarno

Director Sarno spends over 80 hours charting the festival show and begins rehearsing the QHS Oriole Marching Band at band camp in late August. The band endures a difficult 40 hours in the hot sun to learn the season's festival show.

Director watches the time clock during festival. Director Sarno cheers for the band as they leave the field. For the sixth consecutive year the Quincy Oriole Marching Band receives the highest honor.....a Divison I rating. The QHS band has received 13 division I ratings in the past 8 years at marching and concert festivals. Director Sarno credits this fine record to the dedication of the students to a job well done. Together, the students and Director Sarno are a real team with many close friendships formed along the way.

1999 Concert Festival Season
The High School Band and Middle School band receive the high honors........Division I's

The High School Band and Middle School Band received the highest honor possible, a division I rating at the MSBOA District 11 Concert Festival.  The band is required to perform a march, required concert work and a work of the director's choice.  The band is required to enter the performance area, set the stage and complete their program within the 25 minutes time limit.  The band then moves into the sight reading room where they are required to perform a march and a concert work that they have never seen before.  The director has 7 minutes to teach the band the two selections.  The high school band received a division I rating in the sight reading room.

The Tradition of Pride and Excellence Continues........

Middle School Band***High School Concert Band ***Oriole Marching Band

1999...Division I            1999...Division I                1999...Division I
1998...Division II           1998...Division I                1998...Division I

1997...Division I            1997...Division II               1997...Division I
1996...Division I            1996...Division I                1996...Division I
1995...Division I            1995...Division I                1995...Division I
1994...Division I            1994...Division I                1994...Division I
1993...Division I            1993...Division I                1993...Division I
1992...Division I

The QHS Band and QMS Band have received other honors including.........

Middle School Band
1994...Judges Award for Most Outstanding Band (Music in the Parks)
1994...First Place in Class A (Music in the Parks)
1995...First Place in Class A (Music in the Parks)
1996...First Place in Class A (Music in the Parks)
1997...First Place in Class A (Music in the Parks)

High School Band
1991...First Place in Competition Class A (Festivals of Music-Nashville)
1993...Second Place in Competition Class A (Festivals of Music-Toronto)
1995...First Place in Competition Class A (International Music Festivals-St Louis)
1997...Performed at Disney World for the 25th Anniversary
1999...First Place in Competition Class A (Festivals of Music-Toronto)
1999...Judges Choice for Most Outstanding Band at the Festival Class A

1997...Second Place At Hastings Invitational Marching Competition
1998...Third Place At Otsego Invitational Marching Competition
          Best Field Commanders
          Best Percussion
1998...First Place At Hastings Invitational Marching Competition
          Best Music
          Best Marching
          Excellence in Percussion
1999...Fourth Place At Rockford Invitational Marching Competition
          Best Field Commanders
1999...Third Place At Otsego Invitational Marching Competition
          Best Field Commanders
          Best Marching
1999...Second Place At Hastings Invitational Marching Competition
          Best Marching
          Excellence in Color Guard
          Excellence in Field Commanders

Links to other sites on the Web

The School Page
National Educators Association
Classical Music Forms
My School's Web Site!!!
Another Nifty Music Site for Educators
The Andrew Club
I love Jesus!!! Visit this link and learn more about my faith. I have also listed several awesome Christian internet sites with links on my faith page.
I truly enjoy the love of my close Christian friends. Visit this link and better understand my philosophy regarding Christian friendship. Also, be encouraged by selected Bible verses regarding friends.



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